Monday, December 19, 2011

Penguins and Pajamas

It is after 5:00 and I am still in my pajamas! Ahhhh, Christmas Break how do I love thee! I have spent the day reading one of my favorite books again (Hill Country by Janice Woods Windle), cleaning ( a bit), eating, making new activities, eating, enjoying my boys (fur babies), and eating. I will get dressed later so I can go to Chilly Fillmore's for dessert!

My kiddos love the addition and subtraction sorts I have made. In 1st grade we are not supposed to have children memorize facts, but we (meaning myself and my buddy Carla) probably do enough games and other activities that they begin to memorize them and gain an understanding by the different math strategies we teach them too (10 makers, doubles, plus 1, minus 1, etc).

We did many of the Color by Code that 1st Grade a la Carte had as part of her 12 Days of Christmas. My kiddos are addicted to color by code/number activities but some got tricked by the mixed addition and subtraction. So, I was inspired to trick them too! They love when I tell them I am going to try and trick their brains!

I hope you can use this sort too!

I would love for you to leave me the gift of a heart note!

I had so much fun with my first giveaway that I am planning on another one when I reach 500 followers. Please tell your friends to follow me or if you have been stalking and printing but NOT following then you need to! =)

34 heart notes:

jen said... 1

Heather, thank you for following me! I recently found your blog through TBA and I'm loving it! Your poems melt my heart and remind me why I teach! Sometimes, amid the curriculum demands, the standards, and various other things we can't control, I forget. Thank you for the reminders :o) I look forward to more posts...and poems!

Delighted said... 3

I love the way that you spent the day! :-) Thank you for the freebie. Keep on relaxing.

First Grade Delight

Tara said... 4

Love your bun!!! I have one too! Just got her for my classroom about a month ago. Her name is Petunia. She has been in a few of my posts. I've been in sweats all day:)))))

4th Grade Frolics

absees123s said... 5

Thank you so much!! I have a bunny too, well, I'm fostering him , but he's been with me since May, so I'm assuming he's mine, lol. LOVE them! I love your freebie!! Thank you so much. I will be in my pjs starting on Friday..we go until Thursday, 12/22, but don't go back to January 9!! WOOHOOO! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Karen said... 7

Thanks for sharing the Penguin freebie! So jealous that you are already on break. I go thru Thursday. You are now 1 person closer to 400 followers! I follow you!!! Merry Christmas!

Jennifer K. said... 8

Aww I have a bunny too - his name is Babbity Rabbity and he is a love! Thanks for the Penguin math - I do Penguins in January so this is great timing!

Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

Erin Eberhart said... 9

I'm here!! Sorry I've been so MIA in the "posting" world. You are always sooo good to comment :) I love your freebies...most are a little above my kinders' heads, but I could prob use with a few of my higher kiddos during station time. I'll let you know how it turns out! Thanks for everything. Keep up the good work. Your blog looks great!

Unknown said... 10

I loved waking up late today too!!!! I spend the better part of my day in my pj's and ALL day with my fur baby! I swear I spoil him with so much attention during vacations that he has a hard time when I go back to work. Great freebie :) thanks for sharing!

Happy Holidays!

❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
A Teacher's Treasure

Erika said... 11

I'm jealous! I work through Thursday. Your cat and rabbit are so cute. Does the cat tolerate the bunny? Thanks for the freebie.
2B Honey Bunch

zputty said... 12

I love your addition/subtraction sorts! My kids hardly notice they are "working" :-)

Heather's Heart said... 13

My heart goes out to all of you that are still in school. We go back the 2nd and that is pretty yucky to me! :P

My cat and bunny get along great. My cat even eats the bunny's carrots and cilantro! He is weird. In this picture, he is hanging out on TOP of the door.

Yes, my ditrict tells us we have to do this unit PLUS our integrated science and social studies unit which will be Famous Americans: Historical Figures. Learning about the Liberty Bell and penguins doesn't really go together! =)

Lori said... 14

Thanks for a great blog! Thanks for sharing all of your great products!

Samantha said... 15

So cute! I will be adding these into my stations when we return! As for how to turn a portrait into a landscape, I have no idea! lol...the skip counting was made in the landscape setting. I *think* if you pull the file as a PDF and resize it down to like 66% then take a screen shot, you can get it into a portrait shape, I *think*. I make my stations in powerpoint, and from there, I have to click on "themes" then page set up and then I can make them either way. I have just pretty much decided it is easier to make them in landscape, and turn the items on the page to make them portrait! I am a newbie at this stuff, so I am learning as I go! Thanks for following me! Check back later today...I should have more penguins up!

Unknown said... 16

Thanks for the freebie! Looks like I'll be doing a lot of penguin activities for my early finishers! I'm also enjoying break with my fur baby! (A super cute, lovey-dovey yellow lab puppy, ok not puppy because she's 2 1/2, but she'll always be my puppy!) However, not as much time right now because I am rearranging my classroom and organizing a bunch of things! I have planning to do this since the beginning of school, but it feels so good to be putting my room together in the way I really want it! :) Merry Christmas! I hope you enjoy the rest of your break! ~Heidi V.

Jackie said... 17

Thanks so much for sharing these. I am going to be doing a winter theme soon, and these will fit right it. Thanks so much.

Jess said... 18

Love this cool math game! I love January simply because I love to use penguins in my room! I just became a follower of your cute blog!
Rambling About Reading

Kelli said... 19

I am your newest follower! Love your blog--can't wait to read more!

Enjoy your break : )

Tales from a Traveling Teacher

msdora162 said... 20

I love the activities you post for us. My students and I thank you. Enjoy your break.

Unknown said... 21

Thank you for sharing! Glad you are having a relaxing break! Merry Christmas! :)
Crayons and Curls

Mary said... 23

As promised... I am here and following you. I can't wait to see the 500 followers giveaway.

I would LOVE for you to give me a shout out to you awesome followers sometime... I think you have a great thing going here.

I hope my tech tip *see my comment back to you* will be a big help!

Tricia said... 32

Thank you for sharing so many wonderful resources. I prepare future teachers and have been pinning some of your materials for them to see. I am hoping they will see that they can still be creative and that kids can have fun while teaching to the standards.

Irnfried said... 34

It is after 5:00 and I am still in my pajamas! Ahhhh, Christmas Break how do I love thee! I have spent the day reading one of my favorite books ...