Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Save the Snowman!

I am thinking it would be VERY, VERY, VERY nice if Santa and his elves brought me cardstock and ink for Christmas. I wonder how much I spend on those 2 things every year...or maybe I need to stay in denial about that. Before I share my *freebies* I would like to know:

1. Does your school/principal ever buy ink for the teachers?
2. Do you have a color printer at school you are able to use?
3. Do you go through ink and cardstock like a 1st grader goes through a box of Kleenex?
4. Do you have access to a laminator (Tara, I added this after seeing your heart note!)

Here is my first *freebie*. It is called Save the Snowman. Each kiddo has their own game board and 12 cubes or counters. Players take turns rolling the dice and either adding OR subtracting the numbers. The first player to cover all of their snowflakes saves their snowman from melting....yep, a mini science lesson too! Why does the snowman need the snowflakes? always helps to pound it into their sweet little brains as much as possible because who knows if they are actually listening when they are supposed to. =)

graphics by DJ Inkers

The next *freebie* is just some tally mark practice for some little ones who need it pounded into their heads again! Bless my heart their hearts!
graphics by DJ Inkers

I hope all my sweet followers are enjoying their Christmas Break so far. If you are still going, BLESS YOU and I will pray for your sanity and for Santa to bring you either sweets or a large beverage! =)

Look for more about SAVE THE SNOWMAN...lots of ideas and goodies coming your way! This is what I call a brain pop! Usually they happen the night before but this one came early....can you believe it Carla??!!!???

Please leave me a heart note if you grab these *freebies*! Each one really touches my heart and encourages to create more and to continue to share!

I am also curious to find out about ink and printing at your school.....

111 heart notes:

Tara said...

No...the boss doesn't buy our ink...
Yes, we have a color ink printer but are not allowed to use it...
I spend TONS on ink, cardstock, and laminating monthly!!!!
Your snowman activity is adorable!!!! Super cute graphics!!! I have a bookmark freebie on my blog today:)

4th Grade Frolics

jen said...

Hi Heather! These are really cute games :o)
My principal does buy toner for us--but you have to be in the office at the right time! My printer is a color laser printer, but it's set to black and white and NO ONE (not even the tech help desk people) know how to turn it back!! The menu button allows me to "change" it to color, but it still prints in black and white! Weird!!

And yes, I, too, go through color ink and cardstock like a first grader and tissues. In my case, it's 5th graders!!

ps: my last day of work is Friday!!! And it's not even a half day! Enjoy your vacation :o)

Samantha said...

Love the winter tally! =) Thanks for sharing!

As far as the ink...we have ONE color printer for the faculty to share...unfortunately, it is 100 years old and randomly decides which pages it wants to print, and often how...we see lots of computer code printed right through the graphics! She also does not accept cardstock! So, I very rarely use it.

We have one grade level printer which we get 2 ink things per year. It uses those big things, I can't remember what it is called!

Since July, I have gone through 6 color and 6 black inks at home...I always buy when BJ's offers a buy 2 combo packs and save $20, so the combo packs are $50, so I end up paying $80 for 2 color 2 black. Not so bad...but way too much when I break it down like this!! lol
I also return my cartridges to Office Max and get $3 per cartridge...they seem to be the best with reward points/dollars. =)


Erika said...

The boss doesn't buy us ink. We don't have a color printer at school. But the middle school kids do in their computer lab. What?! And why?! I can easily buy $70 worth of ink in a month or so. (That would be two black and two colored cartridges.) Scary...don't tell the hubs!
2B Honey Bunch

Rachel said...

Our principals do not buy ink for our printers. We do have a colored printer and we are allowed to use it! Kids love it when I give them some colored work:) I go through it all:)

Tonia said...

Thank you for your blessings and kind gifts!
Your goodies keep us inspired and the job more fun by adding new fresh ideas and activities!
Merry Christmas!
Tonia in Redlands,CA

Anonymous said...

Buy ink? For us? Uhhh, that would be a negative!
I have my own printer in my room that I use, and it is color....We also have a large copier that is a printer for those whose computers are on the network. I have my own laptop that I use, so I just use my printer and then copy in b/w for class use, and on my printer if I want color.

Sam's is my friend for ink, cardstock and laminator pouches (that was the other part---no, we have NO laminator at school!). If I want it, I have to purchase it!

Thank you for creating and sharing. If it wasn't (weren't?) for teachers being as willing to share, where would we all be????

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the cute activities!
Spend a fortune on card stock, ink and lamination, but it is worth it :)
Thanks again, Cindy

Tammy said...

Thank you for the cute and practical freebies I have a few that need pounded too. Our school buys some ink, they used to buy more...until the new office police women- aka secretaries started working there. They do not buy card stock. We do have a laminator that we have free range of...for the most part.
Thanks again!

Buggy for First Grade said...

1. Yes, we get some ink B&W from the school but only about two cartridges a year.
2. Yes, we have a color ink printer we can use but I also use my own personal one at home.
3.I spend TONS on ink and cardstock.
4.We do have a laminator at school, but can use it only during the school day since it is housed in the media center.

Your snowman activity is adorable!!!! Love the graphics!!!
Ms. McBee’s Kinderbugs

lawleym said...

Yes we have color printers for teacher's to use freely. Yes I love cardstock! Yes we have laminating also. THANKS.
Melanie from Michigan

Alison Whiteley said...

Yes we have a colored printer for everyone to use. Yes we have laminating also. Boss doesn't buy cardstock but our printer at work doesn't like it, so if I want to use it I have to print at home.

Thank you for the gifts. Merry Christmas.

megandw said...

Can't wait to use the Freebies in Jan...Thanks.

There is NO color printer at school and there is only one B/W printer per floor! I print pretty much everything at home that needs to be color or cardstock. We need to send anything we want laminated to our district office and it takes weeks for it to be returned... so I have a laminator at home or pay for it at the teacher store for big items. I am so jealous of you guys w/free use of color printers and laminators.

I love Staples and their Teacher's Rewards Program to buy lots of ink and cardstock. Jo Ann Fabrics also has great sales on colored cardstock packs in the scrapbooking section (sometimes 50 sheets for 1.99).I don't even want to know how much I actually spend on ink and cardstock.

Katy said...

Love the freebies! I can't wait to use the Winter Tally in a math center when we get back!

To answer your questions... things have recently changed at my school/district. They started giving us ink! We get 2 toners a semester for the laser printer, and 2 each of black & colored for the regular printer each semester. But, as you could guess, I can go through a colored cartridge about once a week! lol. So... I've managed to make "friends" with several of the high school teachers and they gladly give over their colored ink to me! :) I also buy a LOT. But, thankfully I haven't had to buy that much this year!

We used to be able to get cardstock from our district's media center, but they are being very stingy lately. I always buy my own white anyway.. and yes, it can get expensive! My husband has no idea. lol.

We have a laminator at our school, but it's been broken nearly all year. We just a new one, so... fingers crossed it lasts! :)

I am quickly realizing just how blessed I am at my school/district. I cannot imagine having to buy my own laminating! God Bless y'all!!!

Kindergarten Katy

Ms. Chrissy B said...

Thanks for the freebies!

Yes, our campus printers are usually stocked with ink, and we have access to color printers. (Several on the campus) However, if it looks like we're printing class sets of color documents, we can be scolded by our technology coordinator. But we can pretty much use whatever we need.

I use tons of ink; not so much cardstock.

We also have a laminator - one hot laminator that is super super old and really hard to use because the gears don't turn right, and a cold laminator that is new this year and only supposed to be used for materials to be used more than a year.

Traci Clausen said...

Thanks for the activities... Adorable.

I call my principal the ink nazi. He doesn't like it much when I do that. Yes, I can get ink from him, but I have to have a full explanation as to why I need it. {I am still wondering what it is he THINKS I need it for. Is there any other reason than printing?} That being said, I buy a TON of ink for my printer at home (I like it better than the one at school). I have to buy my own card stock. Happily, we have full access to the laminator.

Thanks for sharing.
Dragonflies in First

kimcollatos said...

Thank you so much!!

Our school does not supply colored ink. However, we have color printers....we just have to buy the ink. They do supply black ink sometimes...but not too often.

Ms. Wold said...

My school provides black and white printers and copy paper, there is a colored printer but we aren't supposed to use it {I do use it *sometimes*}. I spend a fortune on cardstock {both colored and white}, but thankfully we have a laminator.

Thanks for sharing and thanks for following me!

✪ Miss W

Miss W Teaches

Sue said...

thank you.....our school has one colored printer...and yes I print at school as much as possible. I do have to print my own card stock. We do have a laminator as well.

I try not to print at home.

Thank you for sharing....Merry Christmas

Mrs. S. said...

1. Our school provides black inkjet printers on each color.
2. I have a color printer in my classroom donated to me by a friend for which I buy the ink.
3. I go through ink and cardstock like a second grader goes through a box of Kleenex...even faster than a first grader!!
4. We have access to our laminator at all times! :)

Stapler’s Strategies for Sizzlin' Second Graders!

Sheree Peterson said...

No, we have no colored printers at school. I do everything at home on my own colored printer suing my own money of course. And yes, I go through ink and cardstock like first graders go through tissue! Wish it was cheaper!
Love the Winter Tally. Just what I need for math stations after the holidays. Thanks for the freebie!

Katie @ Miss Klohn's Classroom said...

I am lucky to work in a district and on a campus where we do have access to printers, ink, and color printers. We do not have to spend our money on any of that. Many of the teachers also budget for cardstock and colored paper, but I did not have that luxury since I was a new hire. You can bet it will be on my budget for next year though. We also have a campus laminator that we are free to use. I cannot even imagine having to buy all of those things for my classroom!

Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher

Barbara L said...

Thanks for the cute freebies! We don.t have a colour photocopier but I do have access to laminating, card stock and some colour printing. Merry Christmas!
Grade ONEderful

Kristin said...

No color ink.
Dinosaur printers.
I use my own ink at my own home with my own cardstock and I buy in bulk from Sams. It's terrible.
We have a laminator and our amazing PTA takes care of it so it is always full.
LOVE the freebies!!!!
A Teeny Tiny Teacher

Tracy said...

PERFECT! I just love your freebies! I am unsure if i will returning to school after 1st of year...had surgery on my right arm yes, my writing hand side...UGH! so as I sit on bed at 3am on my 2nd day of break, I am planning...can u say nut-so!!?
1. We get ONE ink cartridge a year...IF there is $$$, if not gotta pay for it ourselves. I haven't plugged in my printer in TWO years!
2. Our computer lab DOES have a color copier. We are asked to use it sparingly. I DO use it once a month for kids pictures for crafts and games, but supply my OWN car stock.
3. My husband yells at me every time he hears our home printer start up!! Good thing we can write off the ink!!!
4. I do have a school lqminator and use it as much as possible!!! I ALSO have a scotch one I got on a super sale price. I use THAT for my math game boards...holds up much better!!! Good thing I can print and laminate the Save the Snowman game with one hand!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

We still get ink for our printers but I'm sure that can't last. The copiers made color copies for the first few days till a secret code put an end to it.Laminating film comes and goes.The pile of card stock in my room belongs to ME. :-)

meadowt said...

I just want to say thank-you for all your freebies!!! I use them in my classroom all the time. Thanks for taking your time to create and share with others!!
Have a Blessed Holliday Season,

Mrs. Nunley said...

I am so glad that you found my blog, because now I have found yours! I am your newest follower!

Our school does provide ink...however, I don't have a printer in my classroom (a lot of other teachers do...color ones too!), but I am networked to a black and white printer in our computer lab. So anything that I print in color is from home...bummer, I know.

I go through a LOT of ink. Everytime I say that I need to go to Walmart, my husband has learned that this is code for "I need ink!" I should mention his new found extreme dislike for ink, printing, etc!

We have a laminator at school, but half the time it doesn't work, and when it is working, it is VERY moody, for lack of a better word.

Through blogs, I discovered the Scotch laminator. I LOVE IT!

Thank you for your creations! I know that we will enjoy them in January!


teachesl said...

Love the freebies!! I use my own printer, ink, and card stock. We do thankfully have a laminator at school that we can use for free.

Little Lilly Polka Dot Bedtime Blog said...

Hi Heather:

Thanks for visiting my blog and here I am visiting yours!1 I LOVE IT!! Especially your focus on the heart!! You probably noticed from mine that it has a huge heart theme for the same reason yours does. Having a warm heart is crucial for the kids!! God bless you for working with the children and being a great influence!! I love your helper!! We have 3 Siamese kitties in our family and they are definitely around when help is needed!!

I grabbed your button!!

Merry Christmas


melissa said...

I love your blog and all of the wonderful things that you post. I love to make things for my kids to do during stations, but am not as creative.

Anyway I do have access to colored printer and laminator. The colored printer and the ink is purchased by me of course. Our school provides black ink to our school purchased printers, which I only use to print out interim reports. All school supplies this year had to be purchased by the teachers. Thanks for all that you do to help us out.

Merry Christmas everyone

Unknown said...

Thank you for the cute freebies! I am panicking now that I am on break and didn't get my centers ready before I left!

We have a black and white laser printer for the grade level to share (luckily for me it's in my room), and the toner is provided by the school.

We have 1 color printer for the entire school to share, so you have to hit the computer lab at the right time to use it. It's usually best to avoid our tech. guy too, as he kind of freaks out every time you print.

Our school has 2 laminators that we are free to use whenever without cost to us. One is large, and one is small.

I use tons of card stock, which I get using my allotment of $ to spend at our district warehouse.

Unfortunately, I do tons of stuff at home! So... I use my personal ink supply (which never lasts long enough), and my small laminator (which is the best thing ever), and laminating sheets from Sam's Club ($20 for 250 sheets).

Thanks again for your freebies!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the freebies!!

1. I think that if my classroom printer runs out of ink that the school replaces the toner (this is my first year at this school and no one has warned be about the ink, so I think I'm okay.) However we can also print out to the copier machine from our classroom. Which is cool, but I've never used it because who know what color paper is already in the machine if I'm not there???

2. No color printer at school. :( I have to use my printer at home.

3. Yes! Well I don't do cardstock, but mount everything to construction paper before I laminate. But the ink! I've started forward all the stuff in B & W to my school email to print at school, because I go through black ink at home WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to quickly!

4. I have access to a laminator. I use it like crazy!!! No one's said anything to me about using it too much, but I'm going to fall on the "But I'm a new teacher" excuse if anyone says anything! ; ) Hopefully that will work, but so far so good. :)

I'm absolutely loving following your blog!!! ~Heidi V.

Sarah said...

Love your blog & love following the things that you create & share with others!! My Kinder friends LOVE it too!! They just dont know it!! ;)

As for your questions...from a rural school in IOWA
1. no ink is ever given -- yet the SPED dept needs b/w ink and were told they HAD to use there color first?! Does that make any sense? NOPE. Sometimes I beg to print there ;)
2. No we do not have a color printer at school. Our Super. in his office has a color copier. I have the secter. son this year so I have been know to call my "room mom" to get things printed in color yet I feel kinda guilty!! LOL.
3. Ink at home yes!! Ugh!
4. Our Laminator is open for our K-4 staff to use as needed. So that usually isnt the issue. That part is REALLY nice. However, I try hard not to laminate to quickly or to much -- otherwise you get put on a "list" eek.

I cant wait to check out your freebees!! Thanks for being sooo creative!! LOVE IT!


Mrs. Joanna Brockhoff said...

I totally cracked up reading the beginning of this blog. It seems that teacher woes are universal! We have 1 color laser printer that 10 of us share. Totally not complaining! I put ink, cardstock, and other teacher needs on my parent wish list. That was helpful.
I have def. put you on my fav list for blogs! Your freebies are right on for what my kiddos need! Thank you again for all that you do! Sending you lots of love and Christmas tidings from the Big Easy...

Heather said...

Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful ideas, games, and freebies. You have created amazing things and I love sharing them with my students.

To answer your questions...
1. Our school/ principal doesn't buy ink for us, not for home use any way.
2. We have a printer in our work room, but it will only print in black and white, no color.
3. I go through cardstock and ink like crazy, especially since I have found so many wonderful teacher blogs. I'm pretty sure my husband wishes I would stay off the internet. :)
4. We do have a laminator at school, which works most of the time.

Merry Christmas!!

Jen R said...

no, we don't have any ink cartridges bought for us, nor do we have a copier that prints color - we only have copiers in the workroom (2 of them), but they only print in b & w....and I don't bother buying that much cardstock, I just go to office depot and have things printed! Looks much nicer since I only have an ink jet, and I only use my printer for small 1-2 page jobs. We do have a laminator at school, but it's pretty lame with thin sheets. I usually just use mine at home with my good stuff that I want to laminate, like all the units I've bought or made.

Jen Ross
The Teachers’ Cauldron

Melissa said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I could spend a few days on yours (and I may!). Apparently I've been missing out but so you led me here. Thanks for so many freebies!!!

Tessa said...

Hi Heather,
You left a comment on my blog and I came over to check you out. I will be here awhile catching up on all the goodness! I am a new follower!
Spotlight on Kindergarten

Jen said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog! I found you through Kristin at A Teeny Tiny Teacher, and I love your blog! I'm your newest follower!

Janine said...

The district use to provide ink for us, but since we are a brand new school with laser jet printers, the expense is too much for them, I guess. So my co-teacher and I purchase our own.
Our teacher computers are also hooked up to the main copier in the copy room (miles away from our classroom, lol), so we can hold our copies there to be printed later using our "secret" code.
I happen to be lucky as far as the color copier goes. It is in my principal's office and we are friends, so if I ask, I can use it.
Having 2 teachers print from the same printer, yes we go through ink, card stock, and regular paper like water. Thank goodness we have great parents this year and they donated lots of card stock, colored paper, and white paper.
We have access to the school laminator and I have my own laminator at home. I like mine better, the lamination is sturdier than the one at school.

Thanks for the freebies!

Faithful in First

Anonymous said...

We have a couple black and white printers, one in each hallway. There are 2 color printers in the building, but we can only print one page~no multiple copies and in order to print on cardstock you have to go at night or on the weekend to make sure no one else prints. Sad part is we used to have color printers in each classroom and they took them all away.We do have a laminator. PTO foots the bill for that. Great snowman freebies! THanks for doing that!

Lisa said...

My classroom budget for the year is $200, and that doesn't cover much at all, so I spend a lot of my only money just on the basic supplies. I only have one ream of card stock. No ink or color printers are purchased for us, (we would have to use our $200 for that) so I bought a refurbished color printer from Staples, but the ink is sooooo expensive. I love all the ideas I see on your blog and others, but I print them in black and white to save money. I often wonder how everyone can afford all the color ink!

Jennifer K. said...

1. We have a new principal this year and I am now able to print directly to the copier after being out of ink for 1/2 the year last year! It's only black and white, but still better than nothing!

2. Our principal provides the paper for the copy machine, but frequently lectures about us using too much lol. We don't get cardstock or construction paper though.

3. Yep - I am probably single-handedly responsible for the deforestation of an acre at least :( Lamination sheets are also a big purchase!

4. I purchased a home laminator this summer and I love it! Our school laminator takes forever to heat up and is always out of film anyways. Not to mention everyone scrutinizes who is using it and what they're laminating! I love being able to laminate at home - I just don't like having to buy my own film!

Thanks for these freebies, they're awesome!

Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

Susie said...

So cute.. can't wait to use with my snowman unit in January. We have 32 teachers (prek-1st) plus elective teachers and share 1 laminator and 1 color copier with limited film and ink. Most have access to the B/W printer/copier through the network. I have my personal color printer and buy my own ink but it *can't* be connected to my classroom computer???? Not sure I understand why as they are both HP products, but anyway, I carry my personal laptop to school every day if I want color prints, or print at home.

Unknown said...

Hey Heather! I am now following you too. Thanks for commenting on my blog. Hope you have a merry Christmas!

Swimming into Second

Kelly said...

I just found your site...super cute!
I am lucky to work in a school where we do have access to a color grade level printer and I am sure Kindergarten at my school prints the MOST!!! We also have a laminator but I do most of mine on my small laminator were the thicknes is a little better! :) I buy loooots of cardstock when it is on sale at Michaels and Staples in the summer but this is available for us through our county supply warehouse but it has to fit into our yearly budget!

Anonymous said...

We have a color printer, but it often doesn't work, and it doesn't seem to be a priority in terms of getting fixed. We do have card stock, but the color printer doesn't like it, so it's black and white or nothing.

Thank you for these great freebies!

Anonymous said...

i have a black and white ink printer in my room so all of my color printables i have to print at home. I definately try to watch how much color ink i use.

Thank you so much for your printables. They will be great for my math centers after Christmas.

Desiree said...

Very few people in our building have color printers. The teacher a few doors down has one but that is just for classroom. I have one but I can't seem to get the tech people to come over and fix it for me, what a waste! But we can put in an order for ink and the secretary will order them from the warehouse which could take weeks. And cardstock has to be placed at the beginning of the year or in my case I just go out and get it myself. I have an OfficeMax teacher perks card which I can earn $10 rewards after spending $75. I have already done that because I buy my own copy paper and ink for my printer at home since the one at school does not work. And we do have a laminator (big and small) which we can now use under mandate from our principal. Last year only 1 person did our lamination for us. I don't use it all the time because last year when there was only 1 person to do the laminating I just got myself the small (BEST) laminator and I laminate at home.

Thanks for the freebies. Winter Tally comes in handy for January as that is one of the things I will be teaching my kinders how to do.
Kinders on the Block

Delighted said...

Thank you for the awesome freebies. Your totally rock!
1. Our school does provide ink for our classroom printers. However the problem is, we have a person in the office that act like it is her own personal money and she basically gets around to it when it's convenient for her. Therefore, I end up printing way too many things at home (which they don't furnish the ink for).
2. Yes, I think all the teachers have a colored printer, but there is a major problem (the office worker).
3. I didn't use to use too much ink, but since I discovered the blogging world, I am about to go broke trying to keep myself with a printer that always has ink. Same thing for cardstock. Wow! I have used a bunch of that this year.
4. Yes, we have a laminator. We are able to use it whenever we want. I think we are limited on the # of rolls that we can use per nine weeks though. But that could have change, I try not to listen to closely at staff meetings because they totally irritate me.

Anonymous said...

$$$$$ on ink, cardstock, & laminating rolls. Once in a while I get 1 ream of white cardstock, no color ink at school and some laminating. I am lucky enough to have a very nice personal laminator like the one at the teacher store in our area. Thank you sooooo much for sharing your creativity with all of us and for 'making' me use my ink, cardstock, and laminating. HaHa!!! I love your stuff!!!!! And so do my students!

Anonymous said...

You have such wonderful ideas! Thank you for sharing! I've tried to follow your blog by email, but the confirmation link doesn't work - you get Error 404. Can you help please?
Thank you and Happy New Year!

Hilary Lewis said...

Hi Heather! I can't believe I hadn't seen your blog either! I am your newest follower now! I'm glad you like my freebies...I'm trying to get the creative juices flowing again...Feeling a little lazy! Thanks again for following!

Rockin' Teacher Materials

Miss Squirrels said...

Love the freebies- thank you!
I am on my own when making centers. I can order cardstock with my BEP $, but I usually put it on the wish list.
I buy my laminating pouches at Sams (price keeps going up)
Have a laminator here with color printer and I just smile really big when I add "oh, and while you're out, could you pick up some ink....thanks"

I definitely mark what is mine and I hate to say it, but I don't share....I work to hard on my stuff to send it out of my room!

We used to have this really cool Teacher's Center where everything was free and laminating was 15 cents a foot! BUt budget cuts did away with that!
Going Nutty! Staci

Unknown said...

Thank you Heather! I love these.
I appreciate your sweet comments too!

Liz Brown said...

Thanks for the freebies! Color Ink? Yes we have it but they charge us $1 per color page out of our the real answer is no! We do have lamination but is such crappy lamination and such a pain to use since we aren't allowed to let it stay hot that in order to laminate something you have to turn it on and then wait an hour--- plus it is such thin film that I don't often bother with it and have my own laminator at school and at home--- I want to stay in denial about how much ink and lamination I go through!

Kristen said...

Thanks for the freebies! I wish we taught at the same school! I would love for you to be on my team!

In our district, each class has a black and white printer. The ink is provided by the district, but I think they take it out of our supply money that they choose to not give us each year. We also have a laminator at school that we use the boxtop money for. (Last year they decided to buy a Cricut...I don't know anyone who has used it...great use of funds!). The principal has a color printer and she will print for us, if we ask nicely and are in the right place at the right time. We have some copy paper, but nothing that lasts longer than March! I print at home on my hubby's color printer, since he can write off the ink as a work relate expense. I just print on regular paper and laminate and hope for the best. I bought myself my own little laminator and I like that it;s thicker, but kinds pricey to buy the sheets. I figure it's the price I pay to try and do my job a little better. And, I have gotten to the point that I don't share well with others! If they want it, they can make a B/W copy or print their own at home.

BAK Pack Photography said...

I feel very fortunate after reading some of these comments. We have some "money" (pretend) that we use to print. Our computer lab teacher refills our "allowance" whenever we need it. We can print B&W or color. We can request cardstock when we send our copying over. Our laminating is done by one of our monitors.
The snowmen are so cute! Thanks for sharing.

❁Beth Ann❁
Taming My Flock of Firsties

Sara said...

Oh this is such a fun little freebie! Thanks! And thanks for visiting my blog too! I love getting emails about blog comments too!! :)

Kindergarten Is A Hoot

alicia b said...

You have some really great printables-I used to teach kindergarten and now I homeschool our 3 girls and they are going to really enjoy using some of the activities you have made. Thanks again for sharing.

Sheri said...

Thank you for the wonderful freebies! I'm always looking for fun ways to engage my students and these are just adorable!!

Lauren Morse said...

I'm a new follower! I'm loving your blog. To answer your questions:

I have "curriculum" money that I spend on anything consumable for the kids. Each parent pays money at the beginning of the year. Their money goes towards all school supplies (which I order myself). The rest of the money goes towards all purchases (workbooks, art supplies, ink, cardstock, etc)

A few years back the school took away our color printers that anyone could use. I bought a color printer for my classroom with state money (when AL used to give eac teacher $525 per year)

Last year, with budget cuts, they told us not to use the school laminator. It's very expensive to laminate at the Parent Teacher Store (as I'm sure you know). Each teacher at my school receives $300 a year from PTO. All the first grade teachers decided to spend $75 last year and this year to buy our own laminating film (so we could laminate all of our blog finds!). This has been the best money spent. Much cheaper than going to a store.

I have been a bad blogger lately, but I would love for you to check out my blog. There are lots of freebies.

Christina Bainbridge said...

Holy smokes are you generous! I've been printing things like crazy for my 1st grade math workstations!

Thank you!!!

Mrs. Bainbridge's Blog

Jenny Glinka said...

1. Yes, we can get ink from our computer tech... however, I don't know how many cartridges we are allowed per year because... 3. I usually send my stuff to the laser printer. 2. Yes, the printer in my room is color. 4. Our school does have a laminator.

Thank you, thank you for your freebies! They are wonderful! I will be passing them on to my first grade teacher friend at school.

Lauren said...

Thank you so much for posting these activities! I REALLY appreciate it!!

Anonymous said...

Loving your blogs... so funny and TRUE! Thanks for posting the Snowman freebies! I am going to use them next week for stations.

Sue said...

I wanted to stop by and thank you again for the Save the snowman little kinders loved playing it today.
:) Sue

Michelle D. said...

Thank you for the snowman activity! I just found your blog and I'm loving it :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks to you from Oxford, Mississippi!!! I LOVE your blog and centers!!! You save me MUCHO time!


Liz Mccaw said...

Thank you for the snowman tally activity. I know my kinders will love it during math stations.
To answer your questions:
No, my school does not
-provide ink for teachers unless they print at school
-have a colour printer
-its unbelievable how much ink I use
in one school year
-I can bring paper from school to print at home but I purchase my own coloured tag board.

Liz McCaw

Party supplies said...

The blog is really nice one and full of information we appreciate the kind of information you have provided in this post. The information are useful for all of us and we would like to thank you from the bottom of our heart for this wonderful information.

Cindy M. said...

Up until about a year ago we had access to a color printer as long as we were being responsible as a staff. With budget cuts it is now off limits. Everything must be done from home now. We have never had issues with laminating film until this year either, but again due to budget cuts we had one roll for the beginning of the year to do name tags, etc. and now we are officially out.

Shelly said...

We have one color printer for the campus and the teachers aren't allowed to print anything on it. We also have to be very cautious of printing anything (even black ink). When the toner runs out and there is no more budget money...we don't get to print any more. We were on paper rationing last year. Right now, we still have copy paper. I provide my own card stock. We do have a laminator.

Nancy G. said...

Our Vice-principal has a color printer which, if I beg, I MIGHT be able to use after some justification. Our school has to be very cautious about photocopying. Last year we ran out of white paper and spent the months of May and June using pink! I remember the conundrum of using pink paper for Father's Day cards! I hope we don't end up in the same bind this year. I do LOTS of printing at home. I try to use the ink saver mode/grayscale but some things just MUST be done in color! My husband always complains about how much of our home budget is spent on school supplies. I try to embed some of the expenses. Sneaky, I know, but sometimes he just doesn't understand! My school does have a laminator which I love, Love, LOVE!
Thanks for the freebies! I know my kiddies will love them.

Unknown said...

I am fortunate to have access to a color printer and laminator at school--not sure admin knows how much I use it:-) However, paper and school supplies are severely limited, so I guess I trade one expense for another. Thank you so much for the freebies! They fit perfectly with what I will be working on next week!

Anonymous said...

I love your freebies!!! I will be using your Save the Snowman with my preschoolers so we will not be adding and subtracting, just rolling the dice. We can also work on one more and one less! Such cute graphics! Thanks again!

Snob on a Budget said...

Yes there is color ink for us to use, and a color copier as well, there is a laminator as well as card stock.

Anonymous said...

I just discovered your blog and love it! Thank you for the very cute activities - I know my kindies will have so much fun learning from them!

Yes we do have a color printer and are allowed to use it, however it is frequently broken :-(

KTUpton said...

i teach kindergarten and have a few advanced students who need a little something extra. i dont have a huge budget for my class so i appreciate fun, new ways to help my kiddos. thanks for all you do!

Donna said...

Thanks Heather.. I teach kindergarten and will use this in class, but I also teach an after school program with first and second graders who are struggling. This activity will be perfect to help them.

Kara Smith said...

Wow. After reading all of these comments I am not sure how I feel! I feel bad for all of the out-of-pocket expenses that teachers are paying. I feel blessed that I have access to many of the supplies I do. I also feel better knowing that I am not the "only" one out there that is frustrated by all the politics of teaching! Why should we have to be "friends" with the principal to get to use a color printer? Why should we have to feel guilty for wanting to make fun games in color for our students? Why should we feel guilty for wanting to laminate said games when we will use them from year to year? Do doctors have to buy their own scalpels for surgery???? Do professional sports players have to buy their own uniforms? Maybe they do! ARGH! Thank you for the venting time! All of this said, I can print in color on the one printer in the building. I can laminate when I need to. I can order card stock from general supply. We are never told "how much" we have to spend of stuff, but have a hidden understanding not to do too much (hope that makes sense). Thank you Heather for all of the freebies and for the stories from the trenches!

Anonymous said...

I'm SO excited about using the freebies! Thanks for sharing!

I had to purchase my own color printer and ink. We have unlimited printing to the black and white ink jet printer. They will provide me with card stock if I request it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your adorable freebies! I am excited to use them with my students :)

You are amazing! Keep up the good work!

sspeller said...

We have a color printer at school, but...
- it is USUALLY out of ink
- we only get ONE cartridge of each color per year and when it is gone, it's gone.
- we do have a laminator BUT same as above, when the film is gone, it's gone and doesn't get replaced.

With all that said, I try to get as much done as I can BEFORE the ink runs out and after that, I spend my own money to do it. So at least I get a little help before it is all on me!

I do at least wait until Office Depot has their Buy 2 Get 1 Free on ink cartridges and then I stock up!

Also, thanks for all the freebies! Love them!

Meenal said...

We do have a color printer at school but only the librarian gets to use it. I bought my own to use at school and at home we have 3 others. This way when I go to buy ink, my husband can't say, "Again? Didn't you just buy ink last week?" because I can always answer back, "Yes, but that was for the OTHER printer!" He's 50 now and gets confused about all this so I get away with it :-)
Hate to fool him but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, right?

Brenda Aimone said...

Dear Heather,
Thanks for sharing your heart thoughts and freebies. I love the freebies, but I dearly love reading your thoughts. They amaze me, make me laugh, and make me reconsider my own thoughts and actions.
I have one of the absolutely best bosses in the world. We have 6 printers in our school that we all have access to: 3 color and 3 black and white. I don't have one in my own room - which would be nice at times, but we don't have to pay for paper, ink, or lamination. We have 2 laminators. I can buy card stock at our central supply, but I've used all of my budget for this year, so I'm just laminating most everything on regular paper. Our central supply has all colors of card stock, too. I think we're spoiled, and I'm going to enjoy every minute of it. Budget crunches are the worst! Thank you for sharing your talents - you are one of my heroes! :>

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Anonymous said...

1. no
2. no
3. yes
4. yes, but it has been out of order since Fall Break

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Easy Teaching Tools said...

Your questions are exactly what I blogged about tonight at

I wish we were supplied with ink and paper. We get a 100.00 supply budget for the entire year. I am at Staples more often then I'm not!
Easy Teaching Tools

Unknown said...

My principal does not buy the ink. I bought a colored printer for activities like this.

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