Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A President and a Difference

Tonight is an important night. Many people are putting their faith in the outcome of this election. Every election has a HUGE impact on each one of us. Whether the results of the election make you happy or sad, the world will still go on. There will be celebrations and tears. A bad attitude won't change things. My faith is in God and I must lean on Him and not my own understanding.

Tomorrow you will wake up with a new president or we will welcome the other one into another term. You will go to school and face the same obstacles, challenges, and children. Fussing and complaining about it won't really make a difference...although it does help us feel better at times.

In the past month, you experienced the freedom to vote, make a difference, and let your voice be heard.

Tomorrow you will meet numerous people who need YOU to be their difference....the children in your classroom.

About 2 weeks ago, I had a Wal-Mart Greeter kind of day....except I no longer feel as if I could do that job and see all of those wild children out of control...Have I told you the story about the child that was licking the floor in Wal-Mart???!!!???? Kind of makes you want to throw up doesn't it.

I was feeling frustrated. I realized that I have a choice to be reactive....holler, punish, reward the "good" kiddos, threaten with Sad Notes, blame them for my feelings, or let my negative emotions take control.
I could be proactive and tackle the frustrating issues with a plan and remember Conscious Discipline and that nobody can make me angry or upset without my permission. Instead of thinking How can I get this child to stop ______________________ I need to start thinking How can I help this child more likely choose to _________________?

Thinking about how I could handle these problems in our classroom made me think of the election. A president wants to come in and "fix" things We often have to face new challenges that someone tried to fix but are now beyond our control.

I think teachers are often taught quick fixes to solve problems (I know I learned some in college). These quick fixes often don't carry over outside of the classroom. I want to teach my children ways to be problem solvers but more importantly how to be kind and helpful because they want to...not to get a reward or to have their clip moved. When is the last time you got a reward for doing the right thing?

What happens in Washington today, in January, or 4 years from now is not what will make me a better teacher. I have to be the one to decide what attitude I face each day with and more importantly what attitude I use to help each child God has placed in my classroom. Obama or Romney will not make as much difference in a child's life as YOU will. 

I want you to take a few minutes to think about these quotes:

And because I love and treasure each one of you, here are some *freebies*. =)

Click here to grab this quick and easy dice game.

This is a fun spin and graph game.

Hop over here to grab this one. =)

Here is a fun digraph sort.
Grab this *freebie* here.

I hope you enjoy these *freebies*.

I would love for you to tell me about a kind of problem you might be having in your classroom.I know I don't hold the golden ticket answer but I have found many things through Conscious Discipline and my own beliefs that have made a difference. I would love to share them with you too. =)

If you can, please take a few minutes and leave me a heart note...I treasure each one.

Remember, you are more than a president....you are the daily difference who leaves your heart prints on a child.

From My Heart to Yours,

47 heart notes:

Amy said...

Thank you so much for all of the "goodies" that you shared. I will be using them with my kids this month. My biggest or most worrisome problem I have this year is a mother who doesn't have time or is too busy to even open her child's bookbag. His report card was in his folder for days. He is soooo needy and far behind his peers and needs both of us working with him each day. I just hurt for him.

Gina Nicholls said...

Thank you Heather for the freebies! I am new to your blog but am enjoying getting to 'know' you. I completely agree with what you are saying. God is in total control and we must not lean on our own understanding of why things happen. I also know that God has placed these sweeties in our room for a reason. Maybe we are the only ones who will love them or help them see their potential. I have been a teacher for 22 years and I can honestly say that each year I love my job more than the year before! The most rewarding thing is having a twenty something come up to you with a smile and ask you if you reemember taking them to Hawaii (a pretend class trip unit Ihave taught 20 years). Then they tell me how they elt in my room...it is amazing! We plant seeds today and might not see the flowers for years. God sees your hard work and dedication and he is pleased!

Anonymous said...

Nicely said Heather! We could not have stated things better. Thanks for sharing!!!

The Kindergarten Goonies

Lisa said...

Thanks for the cute freebies.
Today was a tough day, snow in the forecast, PT conferences this week, my kids have only been in school for 4 days in the last 2 weeks because of weather issues. I know it is not my fault or their fault, but I was feeling very grumpy. Your post was just what I needed! Bless you!

Rebecca H. said...

I love what you said about not rewarding kids for doing the right thing, and not just moving their clip when they do the wrong thing. I don't use a clip system in my class, and I don't give a lot of rewards. I, like you, try to teach kids to do the right thing for the sake of doing the right thing! Thanks for posting those comments :)


AlyseC said...

The problem I am having is getting my perfect, best ever, class back after my "hoover" left. That kiddo turned my classroom upside down and now I am having to fix issues that you would only usually see at the beginning of the year. I also have a kid that just can't pay attention. I think I am going to have to borrow a single desk from someone :)

Keep Calm and Apple On

Anonymous said...

That was one of the most meaningful things that I have read/heard all day! Thanks for your thoughts and for sharing those great tools! I might not be teaching this year, but those are too cute to pass up! Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, I shed a few tears after reading this post. I believe that God does place us in these positions to make a difference. I am so blessed to be able to read your blog.

Anonymous said...

Your posts are always the best. I totally needed that this morning - I read CD over the summer and need to sink back into it, maybe read a bit every day, to keep my heart focused.

Thanks for blogging, honestly. It is nice to hear from teachers with similar philosophies.

Sarah D. said...

I am a new teacher fresh out of college and just starting out. I stumbled across your blog and started reading some of your posts and they really spoke to me. I appreciate your kind and uplifting words, especially today! Your post today was just what I needed. I want to say thank you, your blog has helped me to think about and remember what really matters. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for always leaving with me with something to think about. I have a little fellow that I am struggling with right now and as I read your post, he was on my mind. Thanks for all of the great freebies as well!

An Apple a Day in First Grade

katherine said...

love the post!!! cute layout by the way :) as an newbie to the world of education, you post touched me.

Jan said...

Thanks for the great freebies and encouraging words. Both are fantastic:-)

Unknown said...

Thank you for your words of wisdom and encouragement. This politic stuff can be quite harsh. I just grabbed your Roll, Add, and Write. So cute, thank you for sharing. I love coming to your blog. I just know if we were face to face friends, we would get along so well. Is this a book, Conscious Discipline? I love the book Teaching with Love and Logic. Always looking for more "tools" for my box. :) Much love to you on this Wednesday night!
Cruz'n in First

Anonymous said...

Once again you are an inspiration for all of us. Your gentle voice always brings back to remembering what we all need to do. Thank you for the cute freebies and I'm going to crack that CD book open...as soon as I find my sanity. ;)


Kelly said...

Your post got me thinking about how I'm speaking to and guiding one student in particular this year. When you said that we need to think about how to help the child be more likely to make a good choice---it really hit home for me. Thanks for your meaningful post!

Kindergarten Kel

Chrissy said...

Thank you for the freebies! My little man will be in Kinder next year. I pray that his teacher is a Christian w/ a sweet heart like yours. Wish I lived in your school district:)

Leslie - The Groovy Teacher said...

I was tearing up while reading this post Heather. I try very hard to be the best person I can be for my kids. Some days are easier than others. I really like your message, it will stay with me. Hugs :)

Megan Mitchell said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. I love these freebies. I am working on the sh,th,and wh now! This will be perfect for review!

Dancing in Our Teacher Shoes said...

Hi Heather! Thanks for visiting our blog. It is so nice to have a new follower! We love your freebies for Thanksgiving! They are perfect for the next few weeks. Keep checking in on us. We will be posting some new freebies for conference time in the next few days!

Dancing in Our Teacher Shoes said...

Hi Heather! Thanks for visiting our blog. It is so nice to have a new follower! We love your freebies for Thanksgiving! They are perfect for the next few weeks. Keep checking in on us. We will be posting some new freebies for conference time in the next few days!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for still posting freebies to your website! You have so many wonderful ideas that I always look forward to reading your next post. I loved your statement about working on helping students choose to make better choices rather than "blackmailing" them into it. It something that I need to work on and I take inspiration from you! Thank you so much!

Sarah in WI

Miss Foote said...

Thanks for posting. My pastor is preaching about Philippians. Sunday he talked about joy and if the conflict is worth trading for joy, because you can't have both. I have been using that thought as I work with my kids and helping them choose the joy over what conflicts we could have.

Happy Thursday,
Chickadee Jubilee

Kara said...

Thanks for the cute Thanksgiving freebies! They are adorable - thanks for sharing so much!

Anonymous said...

You are so amazing for sharing such wonderful freebies. Thanks Heather...

ktrew said...

Heather, You are my favorite blogger! I just grabbed you your thankful turkeys. Every time I come to your heart, I connect so with you and am encouraged to keep on seeking ways to help my first graders. I grew up in Dallas but now live outside of Atlanta. Thank you for your words that really do speak to hearts!
Kay Rew in Ga.

Jessica F said...

Thanks for the great freebies Heather! I can't wait to use the Roll and Write Game next week with my PreKinders, we are starting a new shapes unit but I just got four new students in the past 3 weeks who REALLY need more practice with number recognition and writing numbers 1-12!

Erika said...

Thanks for the sweet comments on my blog. I'm now following you! Love the freebies and so will my first graders.

Unknown said...

Hi Heather....thank you for the sweet note you posted on my blog today!!!! It truly made me smile :) It was great to have a new visitor! I am hoping for more and more each day. Your blog is adorable and I love the activities that you are doing. Looking forward to reading your blog entries....Thanks again for visitin my page :)



Kristy Lutton said...

Thanks for the great Thanksgiving freebies! I am so excited to try them out next week.

Shara said...

Heather, your insight and words are exactly how a teacher feels! Which you would know ;) But hearing someone else say it makes feeling that way a tad better BUT your backtracking and rewording is what I need right now. Thank you for all you do and the teacher you are!! Grabbing some awesome freebies :)

Unknown said...

Well said about the election. My problem is helping my students become more confident in themselves and their answers. Many of them are so used to needing help(I teach special ed.) that they have a hard time letting go and trusting themselves. Thanks for my being my newest follower. Now I am your newest follower.

Unknown said...

Heather, your blog is AMAZING! I love the colors:) Thank you for following. I just started blogging, so I am very behind the times. Did you do this all yourself?

Unknown said...

Thank you Heather for the great freebies! My school is sending me to a Love & Logic Workshop in December and I can't wait! I hope you will visit my blog and see my new blog design! :)
Happy Week!
Crayons and Curls

lizC said...

Hi Heather! I'm your newest follower! Thanks for stopping by my blog over the weekend! :) Hope you have a great week!


Khrys said...

Hello Heather :) I am so excited to be your newest follower! I just loooove your blog! Thanks for the fabulous Turkey Day freebies - can't wait to use them in my room!

Anonymous said...

Heather, I used your Thankful Turkeys today and they were a big hit with some adorable first graders that I work with. I love how they really had to stop and think about the difference between sh and ch! I blogged about it today if you'd like to go and check it out!
Second In Line