Sunday, May 27, 2012

Back to the Heart- Wrapping Up the Year

As we celebrate Memorial Day, I realize how blessed we are to live in America. I am grateful to all of the men and women who fought and our fighting for our freedom and the countless ways God uses them to be heroes to so many.

I realize as the school year has come to an end that teachers are heroes too. Our battlefield is the classroom as we fight to do what is best for the little ones who are fighting their own battles. Their voices are often not heard.  The struggles of their battles are shown in their behavior....they are either extending love or crying out for love. We can teach them the tools they need to be successful in the battles and challenges faced in everyday life.

 I had to remind myself throughout the day that I may be the only person to love that child for the day and I prayed that I show that child a Heart of Patience. I know God placed each kiddo in my room and I am humbled to realize He entrusted them to me for 178 days. In those 178 days, I asked myself if I was reaching their head and touching their heart???? By loving our kiddos, we are a hero to so many of them.

As the school year has ended for me, my mind is already thinking of next year....I know I am a weirdo. =) But before I can do that, I need to be reflective of this year so I can do a better job next year. I am very critical about the things I do so I always try and make myself find positive things I have done. Here are the questions I am answering and reflecting on. I hope you can use them too!

I am starting to think about our CD book study. I would love for you to leave me a heart note or send me an email about ANY questions you have about CD. This will help me as I plan the book study. I really, really want to know what you are thinking and what parts of CD you think you are ready to try in your classroom.

Thank you for all of the sweet heart notes you leave. I am so blessed by each one of them and treasure each one in my heart.

22 heart notes:

Lisa R. said... 1

After reading your posts on CD, I am definitely looking into getting this book & reading it over the summer. I just have to say that you are truly inspiring. I look forward to each & every post that you write. Thanks for all that you share with us!
Learning Is Something to Treasure

Mrs. Bartel's School Family (Alyce) said... 2

This year I implemented some ideas from "Creating a School Family." I also have the other CD book that I read years ago, so I am looking forward to reading it along with other teachers and discussing it.

Unknown said... 3

Hi Heather!
Sorry I have not visited in a while, life has been so crazy! I am so sad I won't get to see you at the Texas Meet up - I will be out of town with family. I am coming your way July 4th week - want to make plans to meet up??? :)
Email me! :)
Would love to do the CD book study - can I find the book through Amazon? :)
Happy End of School Year! :)
Crayons and Curls

Rene said... 4

I have the book and I am ready to go! I have had two fit throwers the last two years. I want to know how I can better handle them and teach them to handle their anger and frustration better.

Carrie said... 5

I want to start off by saying that I absolutely love your blog! It is so uplifting. Our district is training teachers at our school in CD this June. We are doing a two day training. I really don't know all that much about it but I am excited about it. What is your favorite part of CD and what have you seen as the most positive change in your classroom?

Lorena said... 6

I ordered the book and it has yet to be delivered. I would have to go along with Carrie's question. I'd like to be able to implement all I can at the beginning, if that is possible.


Beg, Borrow, and Teach! said... 7

I would like to do a CD book study as it applies to intermediate grades (3-5), but I understand if that would be too much of a specialized request.

Sarah said... 8

CD Book study? I can't wait! I really want some more ideas on what to do when discipline problems arise and how to get away from behavior charts without parents and coworkers thinking you've gone crazy! Also, how to implement from the beginning of the year. Thanks so much for all of your ideas and kindness Heather. I just love your blog!

Olwyn Hughes said... 9

I would love, love, love to do a book study. I have read your posts about CD with interest. Have spent time trying some of the ideas but have not really done it wholeheartedly. Can hardly wait!

Katie said... 10

I absolutely love reading your blog. It is always so positive and helps put me in a good state of mind, especially those days that are rough with my students. I plan on getting CD over the summer and diving in to it.... thanks to your inspiration! Have a wonderful Memorial Day.

Dirty Hands and Lesson Plans

Unknown said... 11

What a beautiful poem, Heather!

I love the philosophy of CD and bought the book a few months ago. I'd love to follow along in your book study!


Anonymous said... 12

I can not wait to read this book over the summer! I started implementing some CD techniques after reading about them on your blog, such as "I notice that..." instead of "I like the way..." I am looking forward to making even more changes next year. Thanks for bringing this great book to all of your blog readers.

Delighted in Second

Anonymous said... 13

I would love to do a book study on CD. It seems perfect for my population of students and sounds great! I have already started using some of it in my classroom. I'm getting to book and looking forward to the bookstudy.

Jennifer said... 14

I ordered the book and began reading it this weekend. I have made it through the introduction stuff. I can't wait to do the study with others. I just need to study the whole book and learn how to implement it in the classroom. I noticed it said it was best to read the first 2 parts over the summer and then add one new Power each month. Maybe we should study it the whole school year together as we add a new Power each month??? I am really exicited!

Unknown said... 15

Your poem was beautiful! There was a line that reminded me of our district motto: Soar Like Eagles. My para-educator pointed out the verse Isaiah 40:31 - "But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles..." after hearing the motto. We like to think that it comes from that verse :) I am going to send her a copy of your poem. She will LOVE it!

Also, I am so excited for the book study! I am going to order the book as soon as I get my May paycheck! Thanks for all of your inspiration! ~Heidi V. PS Happy Summer Break!

Randi said... 16

Thank you for your sweet words on my blog. You quite the inspiration yourself. It is evident how much you adore your students and just appreciate life. I am thankful for your end of the year questions. I reflect A LOT and I think this is a great way to reflect about the right things. I am printing it now.

Randi @ Teach It With Class
My TPT Store
My Facebook Page

Jamie LaFuze said... 17

Thank you so much for recognizing that teachers are heroes, that you are a hero. Thank you so much for your amazingly kind words on my blog, I have been so blessed by your encouragement. I'm like you in that I'm very critical about myself and have to remember to think about the positives. We have a special joy, and praying for patience is something I often have to remember to do in order to show love. Thank you for your beautiful heart!

Miss Brynley said... 18

I'm so glad you stopped by my new blog. I LOVE yours!!! Can't wait to read up.

Brynley's Brainstorms

Kristen said... 19

I'm very interested in doing a book study! I've been thinking about getting the book for a while and it would be a great resource to hear your experiences with it. (Especially when I'm expecting a little angel next fall with some anger issues... I'd love to be prepared on how to positively handle his emotions) :)

LindaC said... 20

I checked the book out from our library at school and I am raring to go for the book study. I took a one day workshop last month and want to know more, since we only had time for an overview.


Mrs. Nelson said... 21

I have been reading your blog and I love it! You have so many wonderful ideas! Thank you for stopping by my new blog. I took the week off, but I plan to keep updating it over the summer.


Jena Snowden said... 22

Hey Heather. Please email me at I have tried to email you my BBQ unit from every email address I have and each message says that your server is blocking them. Hmmm! Hope to hear from you soon.

1st Grade with Miss Snowden