Friday, October 26, 2012

Tally Dem Bat Bones

Wahoo for Friday! 9 weeks of school are officially completed and I am wondering how time flies by so quickly???!!!????

It is finally starting to feel like fall here in Texas. Several days this week it was in the upper 80's and tonight it will get down in the 30's! You have to love Texas weather. I know to leave the short sleeves in my closest still because on Thanksgiving it could be back in the 80's....because here in Texas we do our own thing! =)

Here is a quick and easy math center for next week that some of my kiddos practiced today. We have a pumpkin die-cut at school. I whipped out some pumpkins, pulled out the pumpkin seeds that are reeeaaalllllyyyy old and let my kiddos use the bottle glue...and that might have been THE best part of this activity!!! =)

Here is a peek at their pumpkin patches. =)

Click on the picture below to grab your pumpkin patch label. 
Isn't that font the cutest??!!!???

On Monday, we will have a delivery...BAT BONES. Shhhhh, they are really pretzel sticks I dipped in white chocolate!

We will use the bat bones to practice using tally marks. Here is a picture from last year. The kiddos LOVED this...and they of course believed they were REAL bat bones!!! =)

Sorry for the bad iphone picture. =(

We also learned this Bat Bones poem.

Click here to grab your copy.

Click here to get your bone tally activities.

I would love to hear what you think about these. When I shared them last year, I still had less than 100 is hard to believe I am still blogging! I still get nervous and scared sharing my thoughts and activities....but your sweet hearts notes always make my heart smile. =)

I hope you each have a wonderful and relaxing weekend. I am going to procrastinate grading a little bit longer. Grades are due by midnight on Monday but right now I am ready for some spiced tea, my book, and cuddling with my kitty and my bunny. =)

From My Heart to Yours,

36 heart notes:

Unknown said...

The bat bones look incredible! When I first read about you getting these...ew...then you clarified...whew! They look great, the kids will definitely think they are real! Have fun!!
Amy Howbert

Little Miss Organized

zputty said...

I love this tally activity! I am doing bats right now and this will be a fun way to add in some math with my youngers.

Thank you!


Heather Cotts said...

Love the pumpkin patch math idea! You have a wonderful blog by the way! I just started following a couple of weeks ago and am loving it! I especially love your poetry - very inspirational. I teach first grade in Michigan, but I have a brother in Texas.

Heather Cotts said...

Love the pumpkin patch math idea! You have a wonderful blog by the way! I just started following a couple of weeks ago and am loving it! I especially love your poetry - very inspirational. I teach first grade in Michigan, but I have a brother in Texas.

Unknown said...

I love the pumpkin math idea! :-) I have been following your blog for sometime on my reader, but forgot to follow it here! :-) I love, love, love this blog! <3


Miss Trayers said...

Bat bones! How cute! I completely agree with you on the Texas weather. I get excited for a minute for the fall weather but enjoy it while I can. I think by the end of next week they are saying back up in the 70's!


Anonymous said...

Your tally activity will go perfect with my data/graphing lessons this week. Thanks for sharing such a great activity!

An Apple a Day in First Grade

Anonymous said...

I totally thought I had already followed you, so I appreciate the reminder to stop back & follow, it would've taken me longer to figure that out by myself! I love the bones and pumpkin seeds activity. We are working on Numbers & Partners and seeing groups, so this would be a wonderful activity to do on Wednesday!! I can't wait, they will love it! Thanks for coming over to my blog! :) Looking forward to reading more of your posts!


zputty said...

I love both of these activities! You have so many fun and hands on learning activities - your students must look forward to each day in your classroom.

Unknown said...

I can't wait to do the bat bones for showing tally marks! I know my students will love it!

Unknown said...

The bones and the pumpkins are so cute! Thanks for sharing!

Bex said...

What great ideas Heather! So creative! If I want to follow you, what do I do on your page?

Bex said...

Oh I also love your font ! Do you remember where it came from?!

Unknown said...

Love your blog! Love the activities! These are the same kinds of activities we do in our classroom! :) Can't wait to see more!

Anonymous said...

Okay loving the pumpkin math activity!! I would so do this! I might have to improvise with the actual seeds but I could so get behind this for my math stations. It would be easy! I love all your freebies as well. My kids and I have been working on tally marks as part of our morning calendar meeting. They tell me if we need a tally or a slash for a group of five. But I love the "bat bones"! I'm loving this cold weather that decided to sweep our area (I'm in East TX as well). Makes having hot chocolate more fun! :)

Primary Paradise said...

Everything is so cute. Thank you for sharing. I have a few freebies to share too. Subtraction and Math Strategies Posters. Please stop by to take a peek.

Unknown said...

I LOVE this! This is perfect for my Firsties because we have just finished a unit on tallies. Thanks for finding my blog and the invite to yours! I am having so much fun dipping into this blogger world with amazing teachers!!!

Unknown said...

I love love love the pumpkin patch!! it reminds me of the great pumpkin Charlie Brown!! (I'm a huge charlie fan) great idea!

Michele Hargrove said...

I love your blog, and just started one of my own. Hearing how much yours has grown and blossomed, gives me hope. Thanks, and keep on bloggging...Michele

Lisa Mattes said...

Love the bat bones poem and tally idea!! How awesome!!!
Say, I tried to email you a personal narrative writing unit as a thank you for your awesomeness but it was too large of a file and your address wouldn't accept it.
Any chance you'd email me from a different address so I can send it to you?
Smiles and I'm SOOO glad you kept on blogging!!
Growing Firsties

First Grade Carousel said...

Thank you for your welcome! I am just learning to navigate the blog world - your information on how to choose a gadget was very helpful. I spent some time reading your blog. It is amazing! I love your ideas and more importantly how you really love your students. ~ Maria

cindi said...

Hey Heather,

I love your bat bones activity. I also love the sweet font used for the Pumpkin Patch bulletin board. See, I love activities that are sold or given away during the explanation of something that went well in the classroom. Great job, and thanks for stopping by my blog.

vicky1970 said...

Hi Heather,
I left you a comment yesterday and then my computer died on me so I don't think it went through. Such cute pumpkin activities. I love this time of year. Thanks for sharing - I always love checking in on you. :oD

Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

Kimberly Ann said...

I am your newest follower! I love your pumpkin patch activity! I have done a similiar activity but we just use numbers instead of adding equations! Love it!

Kimberly Ann
Live, Laugh, I LOVE Kindergarten

Unknown said...

What fun! Love it! OOh and white chocolate pretzels are my absolute favorite!!!
Thank you for the sweet comments! They sure lift the spirit!

I know your kiddos just have to love you!

Aren't we blessed?!
Who could ask for more?

Lisa said...

I just found you through some blog hopping and fell in love your your goodies instantly. I'm your newest follower :)

The Lower Elementary Cottage

Jessica said...

Those look good enough to eat! I might have to try that next year.

Ms.Hamm said...

Hi Heather!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I'm now your newest follower! Looking forward to stopping by often!



Lessons by Molly said...

Thank you for visiting my blog! That's how I found your blog! I enjoyed reading through some of your inspirational posts. I like the "Pumpkin Patch" math activity. I would love to pin it if that's alright. Those die-cut machines really come in handy!

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