Thursday, February 9, 2012

Missing Hearts

I love this time of the year when there are hearts everywhere. Since the first day of school in August, we have talked about what it means to have a helpful heart. Our bucket is filled daily with helpful hearts from the kind and helpful acts the kiddos notice each other (and me!) doing. It is one of the sweetest things that happens in Our School Family. Tomorrow our hearts will be missing! Check back soon to see what happens! =)

Here is a picture of our bucket and helpful hearts.

Here is a math game *freebie*. =)

graphics by Scrappin' Doodles

Remember my awesome giveaway is still going on!

You can win one of these adorable shirts!

And MORE!!!!!!!!!!

Click here to go check it out!

I would love a heart note if you grab the *freebie*! I am blessed by each one! =)

29 heart notes:

Kelley Cirrito said... 1

I want to know where the hearts go! You got me hooked! Thanks for the freebie girlie! Have a good Friday!

kimcollatos said... 5

I love the freebie. Thank you! My students have been struggling with missing this will be great for workstations.

Unknown said... 7

Love your freebie! You are so creative! :) I can't wait to see where your hearts go! That is so sweet of Rachelle to help you with your giveaway! Wow! What a awesome giveaway! :) Have a great Friday friend! :)
Crayons and Curls

meadowt said... 9

Great freebie Heather, thanks for sharing.

Unknown said... 10

Another fabulously cute resource, Heather. I love your blog and always look forward to my email updates - keep 'em coming!


Sheri said... 12

Heather....I love the "FREEBIE"!!!! Thank you for sharing:) Happy Friday!!!!

Diana said... 13

Thanks for sharing! You are so talented! LOVE the shirts! I entered your freebie and hope to win!
Your blog is so inspiring!

Annie from Teachers with APPtitude said... 14

Thanks for your sweet comments and for following ouur blog. My first grade partner and I decided to enter the bloggin world together and we love it. I have been following you since I discovered your great blog. You have awesome stuff! Thanks again!

kinderpond said... 15

Thanks for the share!

I can't wait to print them :)


Busy Bees said... 16

These are awesome!! Can't wait to use them. We do bucket fillers so this is wonderful.

CRES PTA said... 18

I wanted to say thanks for all the fabulous freebies! I juat finished a long term subbing assignment, and I used many of your ideas. My kiddos especially loved the crocodile contractions and love monsters. Sound racers helped reading finally "click" for one of my kiddos! A heartfelt thanks! Side note - on the Year of the Beaver... We spent a couple weeks on 10s and 1s using the longs and cubes. I began missing tons of them, which would never turn up no matter how hard I searched. During one lesson, I heard the chewing... When this little opened his mouth - out drooled green foam bits! Goodness!

~dani~ said... 19

I love the talk about having a helpful heart! My kiddos could definitely benefit from discussing this and what it means. Thanks for following my new blog!

FYI... I use to download videos from YouTube to use in my class. It's free and that way, I don't have to worry about adds or lag time.

It's Grow Time!

Chrissy said... 21

Thank you! We have begun to learn about the missing addend and a few of my kinders are befuddled! This will be very helpful. :-)


Lynn Faulkner said... 22

This looks so cute and will go great with my Valentine centers. Thanks for sharing! I follow your blog now.

Linda said... 24

You are so sweet to offer all your freebies! I hope you have a fantastic Valentine's Day!!!

Unknown said... 25

I LOVE these adorable, precious shirts! I'm totally in Love! Thanks for following my blog. I am now following your amazing blog :)

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Pat said... 29

I pinned your Sound Racers activity last year. I just clicked on it but nothing is showing up. Do you still have it?