Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My Giveaway Surprise

I am so excited that Rachelle from What a Teacher Wants is joining my giveaway! She is offering any 2 items for her TpT store...I am wondering if I can enter my own giveaway so I can grab those 2 units! =)

I hope you decide to follow me if you aren't already. Remember this is what you can win:

a shirt from Sewing Sassy

a Conscious Discipline cd

5 units from my Tpt store

2 items from Rachelle's TpT store

Please go check out the giveaway here

I will be back with a *freebie* tomorrow!

There might be another *surprise* tomorrow!

Question of the Day:

What is your favorite thing in your classroom?

14 heart notes:

Heather Shelton said... 1

My favorite thing in my classroom would have to be my U-shaped table. It is my desk and small group station. It is in the center of my room and it is perfect for when I meet with individual students or small groups!

Miss Foote said... 2

My favorite thing is my risers. They make room for everyone in less amounts of space!

Chickadee Jubilee

Ms. Chrissy B said... 3

My most important and useful thing is probably my ELMO but my FAVORITE thing is my bee coffee mug that was a Christmas gift. Big difference lol.

Buzzing with Ms. B

Holly said... 4

Awww, cool!!!!!!

I would have to say my Mimio...although I'm not using it as much as I would like. They need to mount my projector {which "they" tell me will get done...when, is the question!!!} to make it handier to use.

Hugs to you!!!!!

Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

Mrs. Brown said... 5

My favorite thing in my classroom is my document camera! I love it and use it daily!

Mrs. Nunley said... 6

That is a tough one. I use my document camera each day, but I don't think it is my FAVORITE thing.

This is going to sound crazy, but my favorite thing is my door! My classroom is right off of the hallway and we used to NOT have doors. It is the most wonderful feeling to be able to shut out the hallway noise by simply closing a door!

Now, if I could only get a window.....

First Grade Magic

Jen R said... 7

my favorite thing??? ummm....clipboards! lol...I know. weird. But because each kid has their own clipboard, we can ALWAYS move out of our seats to do work!

and seriously??? LOOK at how many people entered your giveaway - HOW am I going to win that cute shirt and the TpT units?? lol

♥ Jen
The Teachers' Cauldron

Staci said... 8

My favorite thing is my document camera. But, I'm with Holly, I just wish they could get my projector mounted so it was easier to use.

Let's Teach Something 

Mrs. L said... 10

My favorite thing are our sand timers. The kids love using them and it makes transitions easier.

Life with Mrs. L

Unknown said... 11

My favorite thing in my classroom is my cd player! I love playing music! :)
Crayons and Curls

Beverly said... 12

My favorite thing/things in my classroom are my BOOKS!! I love reading and everything about it...especially teaching my 1st graders how to read:) A good day always starts with a read aloud!!!

Lynn Faulkner said... 13

My favorite thing in my classroom is my loft. I have a huge loft that is almost the width of the entire room. I have my Library and Big Book center in the loft right now. My kids really enjoy going up there and reading lots of fun books.

Pam said... 14

I would have to say my favorite thing in my classroom is the 22 little munchkins who warm my heart every day!