Saturday, February 11, 2012

Hunting for Magic e

I sometimes find myself on Friday afternoons asking Where did the week go? I then start feeling a little bit of panic because it is almost March and the end of the year will be here soon (and I am always behind in the curriculum!). However, I love this time of the year with my Firsties because I can step back and watch because they are so much more independent. They could keep themselves busy all day with math games and literacy activities if I let them....or work out of our work basket.

This past week we have been having blend races that they work on when they finish something else. OMGosh, this has been so funny! They have taken this task very serious! I told them they would win something...Do they know what they are going to win? Nope...because I don't know either! =) They are happily reading away with books from their browsing boxes, buddy reading, discussing different things about the books and just beside themselves each time they find a blend to record. =)

We also wrote some blend riddles (and they were so clever!). I LOVE using riddles to promote higher order thinking and to develop language for my ESL kiddos. Since we have been working on magic e I made this little riddle trail game. The game has no beginning or ending point. The person at the end of the game who has the most matches is the winner. Players draw a card and either read the word and move to that picture or read the riddle and move to that picture. They try to get BOTH the riddle card and the word card. There are also special cards that allow them to take a card or trade a card. They LOVE this game!
clip art by Scrappin' Doodles

My giveaway is still going on (I would love for you to blog about it) might win one of these adorable shirts:

You will also win a Conscious Discipline cd, 5 items from my TpT store, AND 2 items from What the Teacher Wants TpT store.

Click here to go check it out!

I hope you enjoy the *freebie*. =)

Thank you for coming by my blog and thank you if you leave me a heart note....You each bless me in so many ways. =)

Question of the Day:
*When a child does something wrong or hurtful, should they say they are sorry?

45 heart notes:

Sandra said... 1

Thanks for the freebie!! :)
I can't wait until you announce the winner of the giveaway! I would totally rock one of those shirts!!! :)
❤ Sandra
Sweet Times in First

Vickie said... 3

Thanks for the freebie....I always make the child who did something hurtful apologize and then talk about forgiveness for the child who was hurt/had their feelings hurt.
Mrs. Plant's Press

Amy said... 4

I love, love, love your freebies!!! You rock! I better make sure I entered your giveaway... I want to WIN! :)

Krazy About Kiddos

Kelley Cirrito said... 6

I have my students talk about why they did something hurtful. What did the other person do to make you be hurtful? Then I let the person that was hurt talk about how that made them feel. Usually by the end they say sorry and make up but I don't usually initiate them saying sorry. I want them to say it on there own. Have a good Saturday!!!

Lisa Howard said... 7

LOVE the game. I think elementary kids need to be told to say sorry if they dont do it on their own. How will they learn if know one teaches them? It is not instinctive.

Jessica said... 9

Thank you for the freebie! They are always awesome.
I usually don't make students say they are sorry because how meaningful is it when a student says it right after I tell them too. It is more meaningful if the students arrive at it themselves.

Apples and Papers

Jenalyn said... 10

I'm new to your blog and absolutely LOVE it!! I love the game - can't wait to show it to my kids next week!

I ask mine if there is something they need to say to the child that was hurt. Just like teaching them academic behavior we have to teach social behavior, too.


Ms. Chrissy B said... 11

Well, they should WANT to say they're sorry. That's the problem, I think- if they don't empathize, they don't apologize sincerely. So I think talking about the outcomes on their actions and it's effects on other people is important so they might actually feel like they should apologize. Sometimes people just want to say, 'now, go tell Jim you're sorry!' and the kid is still ticked off and doesn't feel sorry at all. They have to understand why. That's a toughie though!

Holly said... 12

Love your freebie to bits and pieces..I'm going to be a busy girl a school on Sunday, so much to print!!!!

I'm always behind in curriculum too, by the way!

I usually say something like "Can you think of some words that you might say to make things better?" Usually they know just what to say, and say it - but every now and then you get somebody who's just not ready to say I'm sorry. I don't force it...I write it down on a sticky note so I won't forget to follow up, but if they aren't feeling sorry at that moment I usually say something like "that's fine, but you know what the right thing is to do - so when you're ready I'm sure you'll do it". Then I'll follow up later, either with the kid who is owed the apology "Did so-and-so make things better?" or with the perp saying something like "Have you made things better yet" sometimes {often times} they have and if they haven't I'll remind them that times a tickin' and they need to take care of things soon because that's the right thing to do. I long-winded today or what?!?

Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

Annie from Teachers with APPtitude said... 13

Thanks for the game! It will be perfect for my small intervention group I have.
Also I blogged about your awesome giveaway. Check it out here:

Mary said... 14

I love this time of year, but the day and weeks are too short sometimes to fit it all in!
Your blog is always a pleasure to read.


Miss Russell said... 15

How freaking cute are those shirts! I love them. AND I love your blog. I can't wait to spend more time checking out all you have to offer. Thanks for sharing and keep it up!!!

Busy Bees said... 16

Those t-shirts are awesome, Heather!! Thanks so much for your freebie!

Susan said... 17

Thanks for sharing the freebie! I can use it with my advanced kinders!

~DeAnne~ said... 18

Thank you. This is cute! As for apologizing, I do have mine talk about it and apologize but if I force them to apologize are they really sorry? (kinda like my hubby---if I make him say he's sorry--is he really sorry?)

Lyndsey (A Year of Many Firsts) said... 19

LOVE that magic e board game. TOO CUTE! :)

You always have the most ADORABLE little creations. I love your ideas.

Oh my gosh! I never know what my winning prize will be either. My kiddos never know my secret though! :)

Thanks so much, sweet lady! You are the best.


Wolfelicious said... 20

Love the freebie! Thanks so much!

come check out my blog:

Sarah said... 24

My kinders are still learning that there actions have outcomes that are not always positive to peers. I had one last week that the kiddos kept saying...but I said Sorry...I said sorry. I know, I said, but sometimes its not enough. Sometimes feeling are still hurt. The little guy that hurt his friend just wanted it to be "over" ..i wanted him to understand that he really HURT his friend. Ugh. Friendships are sooooo hard.

Thanks for all your great stuff!! I didnt take it this time, but I do LOVE all the things you share with others!


kara.treadwell said... 25

I love your blog, so cute! Thank you for commenting on my blog so I could find yours. I'm your newest follower :)
Look forward to reading more of your posts.

Kara Treadwell
Treadwells Math Adventures

Amanda said... 26

Can I just tell you how amazing you are?! I LOVE all your ideas and freebies! As a new(er) teacher I don't have the creativity or moolah to spend on activities for my kiddos so people like you are a blessing! Thank you so much :)

Megan said... 27

I love the shirts and I love the Hunting for Magic e game even more!!! Thank you for sharing your talent with us!

Meenal said... 28

Thanks for the magic e game! I love the riddle component; my higher kids love the challenge and are getting a bit bored with what I already have out for them.
Thanks for sharing! When I grow up, I want to be just like you! :-)

The Teaching Reef said... 29

Thanks for the Magic E freebie. My students will be excited to play this little game! Thanks for sharing! Don't forget to pick up your Minute to Win it Valentine's Day freebie over at my blog!


Halle said... 30

Hi Heather!

Thanks for stopping by our blog! We're your newest "official" followers, although we've been unofficially following you for awhile now!

To answer your question of the day, I (Halle) ask my students if they feel like they need to apologize. I understand that it's a bit of a rhetorical question, but still, I like giving them the power!

Thanks also for the freebie!

Acrossthehallin2nd :)

Hoffer said... 31

Thank you so much for your comment! It was a wonderful surprise! I think I fixed my followers button (I might be a little clueless when it comes to blogger).
Thanks-Your newest follower Kaci

Christi S said... 32

Thanks so much for coming by my blog, Heather! I had just discovered your blog on Friday and had already downloaded this freebie!! :) So glad to have new bloggy friends, and I'm off to follow you, too! Have a great week!

Lynn Faulkner said... 33

Thanks for the freebie! My personal belief is to have the child who was wrong or hurtful say "I'm sorry for ______(hitting you or whatever they did)." Many times I have to help them with this by telling them exactly what to say, but eventually they do say it. I just feel that if they just say "I'm sorry" that they probably don't know what they are apologizing for. Also, I have them end the apology with a handshake or a hug.

Stacy said... 34

I really needed a big hug right when I opened the email telling me about your comment!! so your sweet comment was my big hug! ...You are SO sweet and such a great friend!

I am glad I could blog about your giveaway!! I will have to look around on your store tonight but you don't have to give me anything!!

Love ya'!

Anonymous said... 36


You always post the best activities! It is so nice of you to share your creations with the rest of us.

Thanks so much!

meadowt said... 37

I love the Magic-e Game!! Thanks for sharing.

Mrs. Nunley said... 38

I am ALWAYS behind in my curriculum, but it seems to work out in the end.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your silent e game. I can't wait to have my students play! Thank you!

I think it is so important to have children apologize when they have done something wrong or hurtful. We talk about how even if something has happened accidentally, we still need to say we're sorry.

First Grade Magic

LovingFirstGrade said... 39

Thank you so much for the "freebies". I learned about your site from Cara Carroll's site and I was over joyed to see the silent e game and the missing heart game! Thank you for sharing!

Unknown said... 40

Just stopping by to wish you a Happy Heart Day on Tuesday! Hope it is wonderful! :)
Crayons and Curls

Krista Happ said... 41

Love that "Magic E" game. Very cute! I am always looking for fun and creative ways to make word work exciting! Thanks!


The Second Grade Superkids

Cassie Thompson said... 42

Thanks so much for becoming a follower! I follow yours now too!
Those shirts are adorable! I have the first one and get compliments on it all the time. I need the one that says Peace Love First!

Mrs. Thompson

Adventures in Teaching

Miss M said... 43

I LOVE this Magic E game! Amazing! We just finished learing the long vowel sounds with magic e (we call it bossy e), and this will be such good practice for my kids!

I am so blessed that you found my blog and I was able to look at yours. I've only been looking for 5 minutes and have already found so many amazing freebies and ideas ahh! I wish I would have found you after I wrote my lesson plans!

Have a wonderful night!

catlanharward said... 44

I'm not teaching in a public school right now, but I am helping to home school three of my grandchildren. This game is perfect for the area of Language Arts we are studying right now. Thank you for sharing your Magic e game.
When I taught Kindergarten and third grade, I often had students that needed to say they were sorry to another child. I would talk to the child who had wronged another child and to the child that had been hurt at the same time. Usually if you word things in a way that allows both children to see the other side of the story, then the perpetrator will see the error of their ways and apologize on their own. If not then I would gently recommend that an apology would be appropriate. There would be consequences usually as well, depending upon the wrong. We always have a consequence when we make a choice.

Firstie Frolics said... 45

My Firsties are going to love this! Thanks for the freebie!