Wednesday, April 25, 2012


As I drove home from school today, I heard the song Changed by Rascal Flatts. I love this song and it spoke to my heart the very first time I heard it. It reminds my of the precious gift I received when Jesus not only suffered and died for me but rose again so I could have ever lasting life. Although I am changed, I still struggle with being the person God wants me to be. Please stop for a minute and really think about these words as you listen to the song.

This song also helps to remind me that I can only change me. There are many, many times I want to change a child and their behavior. But the truth is that child will only change if they make that choice. Yes, I can manipulate, scare, threaten, bribe, and do many things that might influence that child to change but it won't be a change that lasts forever or really even become a consistent change.

I think we get caught up at times trying to change others...even when we have the best of intentions. We do want others at times to change hurtful behavior. I don't like it when a child is saying hurtful things or even talking in a hurtful tone of voice. I am not going to change that child but I can teach them kinder words and we can practice using a kinder, softer tone of voice. I know that child is probably not going to listen to me if I start yelling at them and talking in a mean tone of voice myself. When we make a change in ourselves, they will often follow our example.

I would say that I am a soft spoken person and try to use a firm and loving tone of voice....and there are moments and days that Becky Bailey leaves the building and Conscious Discipline goes out the window. But my kiddos change the way they talk to each other because I have worked on changing myself first. I try to model it and give them the tools they need to be successful....and there are times they sound like 2 cats fighting when they go to gym and lose all knowledge of what they do when they are in our classroom!!!!! =)

As we count down the days, remember YOU are the only one you can change to make a difference. =)

I would love a heart note letting me know what you are going to change tomorrow. =)

BTW...if you are reading this and you are the person who un-followed me, I am sorry if I offended you or hurt your feelings...I just try and share my heart.

35 heart notes:

Kelley Cirrito said... 1

I looove Rascal Flatts!! There songs are so special and remind me of great times I have had in life!!! I like that your share your heart! It is who you are and I wouldn't change it for anything.

Sara said... 2

I look forward to reading your posts on CD! I always feel like I have to talk to myself throughout the day when I feel like I am going to lose it with the munchkins....and I remind myself that I am the determining fact in my classroom. I decide what tone I set for the day and as you said, sometimes the kids will catch on and follow.
Tomorrow I don't know what I will change but I will keep on trying to lead by example and be conscious of the things I say and how I say it... =) Because I AM the determining factor in my classroom and I can only change who I am and how I react to situations.

Anonymous said... 3

Heather, I am so glad you posted this. I just heard the song for the first time this week and I just cried...I was so touched because I can remember the exact moment I made my personal decision to actively serve God. I began trying to be the person I knew I could be. Of course, I am not perfect, but thankfully, we serve a patient and forgiving God. Thank you for this Heather.


Mrs. Anderson said... 4

Great song! I hadn't heard it until now. Beautiful lyrics! I agree with the change you want to see in the world.
Thanks so much for sharing today. You post really got me thinking!

Tai Patrice said... 5

Thanks for posting this. I really needed these words after the day I had today. & I couldn't agree with you more about changing our behavior to help shape the behavior of our kiddos.

Tai Patrice

JennyB said... 6

Thanks for visiting my blog and becoming my 3rd follower!!! Wow! I am following yours as well! I would "grab your button" but I'm trying to remember how to do that...I'm learning as I go. Any advice you have would be great! Thanks!

Chrissy said... 7

Thanks, Heather. I've gotten bogged down in the last few days thinking too much about someone I feel treats people rudely at school. Tomorrow that will change. I know that person probably doesn't mean to be rude, it's probably my interpretation. I'm going to accept that and move on. Thanks for helping me get out of that mood.

M said... 8

Heather, as always I can make a connection to my own teaching and my own life, when I read your blog posts. Thanks for sharing your classroom with us.
What will I change tomorrow? I need to think about the kind of choices that I give to my students and change that, so I will let you know how that goes. :)

Anonymous said... 9

Heather - I haven't heard the song yet but I'm sure it is great! I just wanted to say thanks for being that positive voice everyday. When I read your blogs, I am always encouraged and uplifted. I can tell that you have a heart for your children and for the Lord. Keep sending out the positive and you will continue to be blessed! - Michelle

Owl Things First said... 10

Thank you for all your inspiration, Heather! What ANOTHER beautiful heartfelt post! I'd never thought about writing poetry until I started following you. I just wrote a poem for my class. I'd love for you to read it! It's on my latest post. Keeping lighting the world with Truth!
Owl Things First

LindaC said... 11

What you focus on, you get more of. It's like the golden rule of old. Treat others the way you want to be treated. CD is not only lessons you learn in school to behave, but it's also a life lesson for the teacher and the students that they can take away from school. I have a really rough group tomorrow and my focus is going to be on finding the positives and pointing them out the RIGHT way.


vicky1970 said... 12

You always inspire me Heather...God is good and I feel blessed after I read your posts. xoxo
Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After

vicky1970 said... 13

You always inspire me Heather...God is good and I feel blessed after I read your posts. xoxo
Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After

vicky1970 said... 14

You always inspire me Heather...God is good and I feel blessed after I read your posts. xoxo
Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After

Heidi said... 15

Ever since I have started reading your posts I have been inspired to be a better teacher. Today when one students was not doing as I had asked after what seemed like the millionth time I thought back to your posts and thought about the way I was going about talking to him and realized I could approach the situation in a better way. I gave him two choices and left him decide. Within a matter of seconds he changed his attitude and did what he was supposed to be doing and I didn't have a problem the rest of the day. I agree with vicky1970: I feel blessed after I read your posts.

Take care,
My (Not So) Elementary Life

Lohren Nolan said... 17

I love your blog and look forward to reading your posts! Thank you for the posts and I know that i want to and am trying to be a better teacher after reading what you have to say. Thank you for also being so kind to me when i am trying to start up my blog. You are always so nice to come leave me a nice comment!

Lohren Nolan

Unknown said... 18

You always touch my heart. Thank you for posting pieces like this! I need these words. The negative environment I am in really gets to me. I need your happy thoughts to Change me! :) I am really going to work on changing! :)
Crayons and Curls

SLandry said... 19

Wow! Once again I'm glad I stumbled across your blog a couple of weeks ago! Thank you for what you write. I like that while you are striving for that perfect positive atmosphere in your classroom (I'm right there with ya!), it makes me feel better when you admit to those moments when everything seems to lose control. I sometimes feel like I'm the only one with those moments and that I'm doing something horribly wrong. I know I'm not the only one, but it can get overwhelming. Your posts on CD has given me a summer project and I've even tickled the interest of my doormate! Love the song and thanks for a great post! God bless!!

Deb said... 20

Tomorrow I am going to use a quieter, calmer voice when discipline is necessary. At least that's the plan. . .

Oh My Little Classity Class

Jacqueline Richardson said... 21

I love God and jesus with ALL of my Heart. They are the reason I live and breathe. I too am not all I need to be but He loves me anyway. Isn't that good to know? Thanks for your post.

Holly said... 22

Heather - keep the CD posts coming. You know I love 'em and I love how you just put it out there for us to take it or leave it. I'm so sad that the one teacher on my staff made me feel really bad about not being totally make me think!!!!

Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

Jessica Ann Stanford said... 23

Thank you for posting this! It is exactly what has been on my heart lately and this was exactly what I needed to read!!

BTW, I wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog!


Jessica Stanford
Mrs. Stanford's Class 

Anonymous said... 24

Thank you for this uplifting post! I checked out Conscious Discipline from the library and am loving it so far! I wish I had read it long ago. A group of teachers from my school are going to read it together this summer, but I couldn't help but start it early after reading your posts about it! Thanks for bringing this great resource to my attention!

Delighted in Second

Unknown said... 25

Thanks for the post! I got a little frustrated today at the kids. Thanks for reminding me that I can't force them to make scholarly choices or teach them how to speak to each other kindly. But reminding me to be the change first. A quick note of of my firsties came up to me after recess very upset, and I suggested to her that she use one of our breathing techniques (I've taught them the drain and S.T.A.R. so far, plus 'yoga' breathing) and her and her little buddy did the drain together to calm down! Yay! It was cool to see that strategy in action! Thanks for all you share! ~Heidi V.

Jennifer K. said... 26

I am so glad I follow your blog - I actually took a CD course one year and walked away with nothing because the speaker was unorganized and frazzled and mainly read from power point slides. Oh, and played a "potty" song incessantly - funny but not helpful for classroom management! As for someone unfollowing you - it could be they just had too much on their plate and left blog land, not that you offended them! You are helping tons of teachers and students, keep up the good work!

Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

primary practice said... 27

Heather, Ghandi's "Be the change...", is one of my one of my favorite quotes. Thanks for reminding me again how important it is.

primary practice said... 28

Heather, Ghandi's "Be the change...", is one of my one of my favorite quotes. Thanks for reminding me again how important it is.

primary practice said... 29

Heather, Ghandi's "Be the change...", is one of my one of my favorite quotes. Thanks for reminding me again how important it is.

Miss Trayers said... 30

You've inspired me to check out Conscious Discipline to use in my class next year-I just ordered 2 of her books. So that's one thing I plan to change. I think we all have to have double the amount of patience this time of year! Thank you for sharing. Your posts are always so inspirational! :)


simonedold said... 31

Wow!! Touching words and a great reminder for the end of the year! Thank you!!!!

Sarah said... 32

I just about fainted when I saw your comment on my blog and that you are following me! Ah! I love your blog and I am really wanting to use Conscious Discipline in my classroom next year. I have been reading the book and your blog! I have a two job interviews in Midland, TX this week for teaching spots for next year. Feel free to send some happy thoughts and prayers my way! I have been reading all of your CD posts today to remind myself about some of the main points of CD. Reading through the book is a little intimidating because I feel like everything I have ever seen isn't the best way to do things. Your posts help remind me how CD looks in the real classroom. Thank you so much for following me and all of your great ideas, you made my day!

Yeehaw! Teaching in Texas

Kelley Dolling said... 33

Thank you so much for looking me up!! I just had to come for a visit of my own and your blog is so stinkin' cute! Your Gandhi quote really moved me. I have been a little down and out today for no particular reason and this is EXACTLY what I needed to read. It really touched my heart and lifted my spirits. Thanks Heather! I am your newest follower.


Kelley "Followin' U Right Back" Dolling
Teacher Idea Factory

Jen's Kinder Kids said... 34

Thank you for visiting my blog! I am so touched that you stopped by AND commented! You are awesome!! Of course, I am definitely following your wonderful blog!! :)
Jen's Kinder Kids

Kerrie Sherrell said... 35

Hey Heather! Thanks for following my new blog!! I'm so glad I stopped here for a visit! I really needed to hear your encouraging words this weekend. My patience is beginning to wear thin, but ultimately it is up to me to share the love of Christ to these babies as long as I can! Thanks for sharing, and I'm your newest follower! Have a great weekend!

-Kerrie Sherrell