Friday, December 19, 2014

The Teacher in the Mirror

WOW! It has been forever since I wrote a blog post. I have thought of so many things I wanted to share with you but just can't get it together to share them. I find myself wondering how is December almost over??!!?? Where is this year going????

This is my 15th year of teaching...and I have been in 1st the whole time. Considering that piece of info, I wonder how in the world can I feel as if I am drowning at least 80% of the time??? Why am I creating and making new activities???? Why do I find myself feeling like a crummy teacher more days than not???

I realize I am teaching in a world that forgets that I am teaching a young child. I follow a curriculum that seems to expect kiddos to learn a new concept right away. My kiddos don't leave their burdens at the door and my kiddos still need time to explore, play, and laugh...We won't even talk about all they keep heaping on our plates...I do like to sleep and have yet to figure out how to get it all in!!!

I think many teachers of the little ones find us in a world where developmentally appropriate doesn't matter anymore. I realize the reason I might have a HUGE headache when I come home could be because we taught addition for 1 week and the next week we are introducing subtraction. Hmmmm, hello???? Where is time for us to be building neural pathways and the time for practice and reteaching???

When someone looks at your score and sees kiddos below benchmark, they may not see and understand that one of those kiddos knew 0 letters when the year started or one of those kiddos has a parent in jail or one of them is living in a shelter.

When I have kiddos struggling, I forget to look at these other factors...I just start feeling as if I am not a good enough teacher.

There have been times this year that I looked into the mirror and did not like the teacher and person I saw. It is so easy to look at others, our kiddos, and ourselves with critical eyes. Most of the time I do not see others or myself as God does. When I saw this video, I cried and knew that others needed to see it too. Click on the link to watch. :)

I pray that I remember when I see this teacher in the mirror that I see a teacher that will keep creating new activities because I want my kiddos to be engaged. I pray that I remember that scores are just numbers on a page that do not accurately show the learning that has taken place. I pray that I see the teacher that loves her kiddos and that tries to teach them to be kind to others because that will make a difference in the world. I pray that I see others as an inspiration because teachers are making a difference in countless ways every day.

Remember this when you see the teacher in the mirror....

You are an inspiration to your kiddos. You are making a difference. The teacher in the mirror is a blessing because that teacher in the mirror is YOU!!!

From My Heart to Yours,


  1. I've missed reading your posts - I feel the same as you. It's just difficult, I think. I want to be a good teacher - on paper and to those kids. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Sara

  2. THANK YOU!! I can totally relate. Thank you for sharing and making me feel that I am not alone!

  3. Your post came exactly when needed...thank you for your words, your thoughts...they were "enough".

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. As a kindergarten teacher I can easily relate to this thoughtful post. Sometimes our curriculum dictates for us to teach things that are for some students just not developmentally appropriate. We need to teach kids the things that truly matter the most as we help guide them to be cooperative, caring individuals who always try and do their best.

  6. Heather- you chose the perfect time to write. You touched me, as well as many other teachers/ woman. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us. You are not alone. After reading your post, I am hoping to enter my first grade classroom with a new attitude. I will try to focus on all of the good things happening as opposed to the bad, hard things. I know I make a difference, but sometimes lose sight of that. Thank you for the reminder. I hope you don't mind- I copied your post and sent it to my team mate. I felt like we both needed to read it.
    Sincerely Julie

  7. 16 years in the classroom and this is the first year I have not been excited to come to school every day. Thanks for helping me keep it in perspective. We do make a difference. Things are hard in education right now, but what we do in our day to day classrooms matters more than we can truly measure.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  8. You are seriously such a blessing to everyone around you.

  9. Awesome post. I really like the last quote (with the dove). It's always good to self reflect.

  10. Thank you so much! I have shared this post with all of my colleagues. I have also read through all of your classroom management posts, and they all apply to my classroom. It amazes me how similar my classroom is!

  11. I loved reading this & thank you for the meaningful quotes :) Jen

  12. This is an unforgettably amazing piece of writing! You always touch me with your tips! Your classroom management posts have been applied by me and some of my colleagues.Click here to find some more interesting ideas on classroom management!
