Friday, December 28, 2012

Snow Much Fun

Lots of my Texas friends have seen a white Christmas this year. I love snow but I am more of a beach kind of gal. Cold weather makes me want to hibernate inside with my mug of spiced tea, a book, and my boys...the furry ones. =)

My mom and I went to see Les Miserables this afternoon. The theater was **FREEZING***!!!! Even though I was turning into a human popsicle, I LOVED the movie.

Awesome movie...bring the Kleenex.

To help you welcome winter, here are some *freebies* to warm you up. =)

Click on the picture above to grab the snowy contractions *freebie*.

Click here to grab all of these activities and more!

Here are some of the skills included in this *freebie*:
short vowels
adding and subtracting
tally marks
problem solving

I hope you and your kiddos enjoy these activities. If you grab these *freebies*, please leave me a heart note (comment).

I am working on some Conscious Discipline posts. Let me know what questions you might have so I can try and answer them the CD way. What classroom management areas/concerns do you have?

I hope you had a very Merry Christmas. I'll be back before the New saying that is cray cray!!! Where did the year of  2012 go??!!???

From My Heart to Yours,


  1. I just loooooove your freebies :) thank you so much for sharing! I wish it snowed here for Christmas, but no such luck here in Florida! I can't wait see that movie - and I'll be sure to bring a sweater and Kleenex, HA! Thanks for the tips!

  2. These are fabulous! I especially like the concept of solving the problem and then sorting them on the graph! Thanks so much for sharing!
    Swamp Frog First Graders

  3. hi Heather,
    I'm a Texas girl also, and yes we got snow, but thank goodness it has melted. It's pretty to look at, but I just don't like cold. (I grew up in Germany and talk about cold...). You're the second person who has said that Les Mis is great. I may have to break down and see it!

    Take care,

  4. Thanks so much Heather! I am a huge Les Mis fan and I can't wait to see it on Monday. I figure I'll probably have to see it more than once.

    Swimming into Second

  5. I can't see the movie in the theater-I'm afraid I'd have to sing along! :)I can't get used to this cold weather either-wasn't it like 70 degrees just last week!?


  6. Thank you so much for the great freebies! They will be perfect to use in the classroom!

  7. What wonderful freebies!! Thank you so much for sharing! Stay warm!

    Heather (

  8. your freebies are so great :) thanks!

  9. Thanks so much for the adorable freebies! I can't wait to use them in my classroom this winter.

    Hope you enjoy the snow! I am loving the white winter world where I am on break in Ohio.

  10. Thank you Heather for the wonderful freebies- love the penguin vowel sort! I love your blog!


  11. Thanks for the awesome freebies! I want to see Les Mis. Glad you enjoyed it!

    Twins, Teaching and Tacos.

  12. Can't wait to see the movie as well, hopefully our theater will be warm! Thanks for the freebies!

    Amy Howbert
    Little Miss Organized

  13. You are so creative - and generous with your products! You are wonderful!! Thanks so much!!

  14. Your freebie rocks!!! I'm sitting here watching it "begin" to snow in PA where I live. What a mess! Of course it started 4 hours BEFORE the news said ti would, and it's worse than they said it would be, AND I have yet to do my weekend errands. grrrr! I'm so much of a beach girl, it isn't even funny!

  15. Thanks for the FREEBIES! As always, very cute and can't wait to use them.

  16. Just saw Les Mis this week-- loved it! Have you ever seen the PBS special? It is AMAZING! Hope you are enjoying your break!

    EduKate and Inspire

  17. Thanks, youare always so giving! thanks for sharing your hard work!

  18. I have featured you in my newest blog post. It is a special shout out to my first follower :) Check it out (it's at the end of the post)

    Happy New Year!
    A Year of Accomplishments and Milestones

  19. Very cute, thanks for stopping by my blog

  20. Thank you so very much, Heather. Leslie

  21. I want to see that movie sooooo bad!!!! I hope you had a great Christmas!

  22. A fellow Texan here---Your freebies rock!!! You have a heart as big as Texas!!! Thanks!!!

  23. Thank you for the freebies--love them! As for CD questions, I don't know enough about it to ask questions yet! I've saved all your other posts about CD and want to incorporate it in my class. How would you suggest starting with it in the middle of the year? Sit the kids down & talk to them? Just gradually work things into daily classroom life? Or what? Thanks!
    Terri in FL

  24. Thanks so much for the awesome freebies! I will be able to use them pretty quickly once I get my babies back from break. All my stations need a freshening up. I can't wait to see your CD posts! I've got the book but honestly haven't touched it because I was working on another professional book that I have not finished yet. I'm determined to make myself finish that one and then start devouring the CD book. I'll be looking to start using the techniques next year at the latest. Would you mind if I blog about it if I can get on the ball with this? As always I love your blog and your positive vibes you always send us! Have a Happy New Year!!

  25. Definitely grabbing this! We are doing a short little unit on penguins when we return from break. These activities will fit in perfectly! Thank you for sharing!! <3

  26. Hey You,
    Happy New Year!

    I would love for you to talk more about the "Safe Place" how you use it, why you use it, pictures of often kiddos end up going there, etc.


    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  27. I can't wait to see Les Miserables, I heard so many great things about it!
    Check out my blog for the "Forget-me-not" 2012 link party.
    -Lovely Nina

  28. Thanks so much for sharing! I can't wait to use all of the cute ideas! We have lots of snow here in western PA. About 9 inches since Christmas. Happy New Year.

  29. Hi Heather!

    Thanks so much for your comment on my blog! I'm excited to be your newest follower!

    I am dying to go see "Les Miz," but convincing the husband AND finding a babysitter can be a bit challenging. I've heard the movie is amazing!

    Thanks for the great freebies! You're very creative and even kinder to share.

    Thank you!

  30. Love the analogy and verse in your about me! Thank you for the follow, I'll be following you too!

  31. Cute freebies! Thanks for posting on and following on my blog I am just getting started and having so much fun coming into the blog world!!

  32. I am glad you found me because now I am your newest follower! I have been resisting the temptation to see Les Mis because I have tickets to the show in April! I keep hearing all of these wonderful things about it and I cannot wait. I've seen a lot of shows, but somehow I've always missed Les Mis, until now!

    Happy New Year!

    Mrs O Knows

  33. Thanks so much for the great freebies! I love your blog. I am trying to get my new blog up and going so if you have any ideas that would help me get followers I would really appreciate it! Thanks so much.

    Mrs. Lutton
    The Phonics Phenomenon

  34. The activities are so neat, colorful, and target review skills for independent practice. Awesome!

  35. Love, love, love your freebies! They totally rock my socks. It's not in my skill set to create such cute things....yet. And may never be. But, I'm so glad that others can-and that you share them.

  36. Your items are adorable! I was hoping you might consider linking up some of these "CUTE" products to my first ever "Too Cute Tuesday" linky party @

  37. These freebies are amazing. Thanks so much!

  38. Thank you so much for sharing your talents! They're really fun to use.
