Friday, November 11, 2011

Gobble Up Some Addition Fun

I am one tired turkey and we are just starting our Celebrations Unit next week....I am a turkey on the run trying to make it to Thanksgiving Break. From Labor Day until Thanksgiving Break is too long with no break but then I ask myself OMGosh, where has the time gone and what HAVE I been doing??!!??? Do any of you feel that way? The year is almost half over...PANIC!

Here is a fun little game for your math stations. Just copy on tag, laminate and cut apart! We will probably use turkey feathers instead of cubes. Of course, I might have to tell one of my TALL tales about how I came to find those turkey feathers since we are writing Santa on Monday to send us one of his "special turkeys"! I am so excited for Mr. Gobbles' return!

If you are thankful for this game, please leave me a heart note. I appreciate each one of them soooo, soooo much. Each one inspires me to share more!  =) So, click on the picture to gobble up this game! =)

graphics by Scrappin Doodles


  1. So so so cute!!!! And yes, I know exactly what you mean and I hope I've done something so far this year!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  2. Yes indeed! I'm with you 100% on the year just zooming by. It seems like yesterday that I was stressing about getting my room ready. Now, it's almost CHRISTMAS and I have so much I still need to teach before the holidays. Love the freebie. Thanks for sharing.
    First Grade Delight

  3. This is FANTASTIC Heather:) Thank you so much! We just printed it off and I know that my Audrey is going to LOVE this!

  4. This is awesome!!! Thanks for sharing!

    ❃ Ann Marie
    ABCs and 123s 4 me

  5. Thank you for all of your turkey sorts! They are fantastic!! I just got your vowels, blends, and addition. I can't wait to use them in my own classroom! Thank you for sharing :)

  6. Google Docs is opening this up with blurs across the page. ANy tips for opening it another way???

  7. These turkeys are darling! Thank you!

  8. I love it!!! My class will love it!!! Thank you!

  9. So cute! Thank you for sharing.

  10. Love your turkey sorts!
    Jennifer A.

  11. love it- so cute. Kids will love this one.

  12. Thank you for the turkey addition sort. My kids will love it.

  13. So stinkin' cute! I can't wait to use it with my first graders. Thank you soooo much for sharing!

  14. You are amazing!! where do you find to the time to be so creative!! WOW. Hats off to you. THank you so so much for sharing your wonderful work.

  15. I just love this addition sort! Unforntuatly my kiddos are not ready for addition yet. Is there any way you could make the rest of the numbers so I could use the numbers as flash cards instead? I love the 7-10 flash cards and it would be great to have the numbers from 1-10 or even 1-20???? Thanks so much!!!
    Angela at Welch Elementary in Newnan GA
