Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Eyes of the Heart

It is so easy to focus on others faults and negative behavior despite having so many ourselves.  And it is so easy to do that with our kiddos and then vent our frustrations to others.  Yes, it is better to vent with each other than take our frustrations out on the kiddos but I know I can do better to vent those frustrations and then maybe ask for helpful suggestions on ways to help me help that kiddo (although, sometimes we just need to vent!). 

How we react to our kiddos when we see those behaviors teaches them how they will react to others when they see that behavior.  I NEVER believe in making excuses for hurtful and disrespectful behaviors but in teaching them a more helpful and respectful way to do things.  We often are so judgmental with what our eyes see instead of looking with our hearts to not only what we can teach our kiddos but also ourselves. I wrote this poem to always remind me of that and I hope it helps you stop and think if you are looking with your eyes or with your heart.


  1. I would love a copy of this to have as a quick reminder when I'm a little frustrated:)
    Great blog!

  2. Oh my gosh- another beautiful poem from you! You are talented!

  3. Thank you Donna and Erica. Writing poetry helps me remember why God put me in the lives of these kiddos who have such tough things going on in their lives. This is a HUGE step for me to actually be sharing them with others! But I know we ALL need inspiration!

  4. just recently became a follower of your blog..but you just speak so much inspiration! I have 3 daughters that teach and I believe as parents we never stop teaching or learning. thank you for your boldness in sharing your poems with us! debinicol at yahoo dot com
