Sunday, July 1, 2012

Remember to F.R.O.G. and some *freebies*

My classroom has been invaded by frogs. They are everywhere. My chickadees (my nieces) love to count them when they come help me in my classroom. I have frog lamps, wind chimes and even an adorable frog mailbox. The frogs each help to remind me to F.R.O.G.


I would not make it a day in the classroom if God had not called me to be there.

Our job is full of so many challenges. Curriculum, standards, and testing seem to be all that matters. "They" (whoever the heck all of "those" people are) seem to not realize I have been entrusted with the hearts of 18 little ones. I am not supposed to take in consideration that I have kiddos who get their only meals at school. The fact a parent is in jail or they don' have running water or they wake up grumpy because they were yelled at should not matter when they get to school because "they" think we teach a curriculum....but we all know that it does matter because we teach the child.

During my first 2 years of teaching, I cried almost everyday on the way home. I wanted to "fix" their burdens or carry them for my little ones.

I have realized how much I need to rely on God and trust Him to take care of my little ones when I am not there.

I can be there to love, hug, and listen to them. I can remember to have a Heart of Patience.

When I heard this song, I realized this is what we can do for our children and each other.

I never would have thought when I started blogging that I would be so encouraged and blessed by each one of you. Each one of you is a treasure in my heart. When I pray for God to use us to make a difference, I think of each one of you.

So, this poem is for each of you. When you see the frog, know that frog is a reminder that I am praying and thinking about YOU. I hope the frog also reminds you to F.R.O.G. The frog can also be a reminder to stop and take a few seconds to pray for the little ones in your classroom.

I hope you find a special place to put this. =)

Time to hop to the ***freebies***

I created these games for my kiddos to work on during the first few weeks of math work stations. I wanted something that would be fairly easy for them to work on independently....of course you are never sure until you meet your GROUP. Did your heart just skip a few beats??!!!?? Have you heard rumors or reports about the GROUP headed your way???

You can hop over to my TpT store here to go grab this **freebie** fun.

FYI: Followers of my store will be notified of secret *freebies* that I won't tell you about on my blog. =)

Here are the games you'll find:

This game is for my sweet little ones who will need help identifying numbers from 1 to 6.
Yes, I will have Firsties who will not be able to recognize numbers to 5. =(
This game will also work on color words. =)

Pete and Chester will compare who has more apples using ten frames.

building and coloring patterns with cubes

adding or subtracting dice to reach 50

ordering numbers to 20

adding sums to 12

I hope you can use these with your kiddos this year. 

Please take a few minutes to leave me a heart note. Each one is a blessing to me and leaves me with a smile. I would also big {{PUFFY}} heart LOVE for you to leave me a little note at my TpT store. =)

From My Heart to Yours,


  1. Thank you for the Back to School freebie. It is awesome. :-)

  2. Heather I didn't know anyone else who knew the frog acronym. It is my mantra. Thanks for sharing.


  3. Heather,

    I am going to put that little FROG card several places in my room so I can always catch a glimpse of it when I need extra strength to get through! THANK YOU -- you are an inspiration to me!

    Thank you also for the freebie!

  4. These are all so great! Thank you so much for sharing!

  5. I always feel encouraged when I read your blog - and sometimes challenged :)
    Thanks for the freebies - so sweet of you to share!

  6. I love what F.R.O.G. stands for!! I have a frog puppet I am going to put on my counter to remind me of this each day. Thank you for these encouraging words!!

  7. I love F.R.O.G! Thanks for always reminding us about the important things in life. Thank you also for the freebie! You are so sweet. :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  8. You are such a blessing to me and others around you! Thank you for having and sharing your heart of patience and love!

  9. These are all wonderful!! Thank you for sharing!

    Heather (

  10. I like owls..Only With the Lords Strength can I do what I do! My first couple of years I was buying clothes and working waiting tables to be able to help my little owlets. I learned to let go and give it to God, but 25 years later it is still hard to do!

    Owl Things First

  11. Every post you write inspires me so much. Love FROG and also love what Jenny at Owl Things First say about OWLS. I love that we can turn to Him no matter what the need. It is comforting to know we are not in anything alone :) Thanks so much for your posts. Thanks for sharing your freebie as well. :)

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  12. I love Francesca Batistelli songs. She is one of my favorites. Thanks for the fabulous freebies and for the inspiration.
    Sprinkles to Kindergarten

  13. Thank you for the inspiration! Your poem is beautiful!
    Where Seconds Count 2nd grade blog

  14. Thanks for the inspiration! And also thanks for the colorful and perfect for the beginning of the year!

  15. What a sweet person you are! I love your FROG inspiration! Your games look like they would be lots of fun! Thanks for sharing!

  16. Love your poem Heather! I'm sure by just reading your poem and your posts that the parents of your students know what a treasure they have in you. Your students are fortunate to encounter a Christian teacher in their young lives!
    God bless!

  17. I just wanted to thank you so much for sharing that song. I can't wait to print off my F.R.O.G freebie. I put a link on my blog to yours about it. Thanks again!!! :)

  18. Thanks for the freebie, Heather... very cute! I love that there is stuff for the kiddos to do independently so I can do some 1:1 assessments. :D
    ❤Dragonflies in First ❤

  19. Hi Heather! I am nominating you for two awards. Come on by and get them. One is the Versatile blogger and One lovely Blog.

    P.S. I love the F.R.O.G. Poem


  20. I just awarded you the Versatile Blogger Award. Stop by my blog to receive it.
    Where Seconds Count 2nd grade blog

  21. Thank you for the great freebie! I love your FROG poem!

  22. What a beautiful poem! I love it! I am printing out a couple of copies, and put them where I can read them throughout the day. Thank you!
    Also...thank you for the freebie! I LOVE it! You are the best!

  23. Heather, I just LOVE your blog! Thanks for sharing!

  24. Dear Heather- Thank you so much for this post. I am printing your FROG poem and will hang it near my desk at school. I am lucky I can do that. Also thank you for the wonderful freebies! This will be wonderful for the first week(s) of school!

  25. Hi! I just gave you an award! Thanks for inspiring me! Stop by my blog to pick it up! Fun Games 4 Learning

  26. Thanks so much for the encouraging words and super cute freebies!

    Mrs. Dwyer’s A+ Firsties

  27. Hi! You have no idea how blessed I feel to know that there are other Christian teachers. I used to work at a private school, then I felt called by God to get my degree and go into public education. Some of my friends have a very difficult time understanding why I would do this because there is no Bible class and all the changes going on in public education. I would rather be in a difficult place with God than in an easier place he doesn't want me to be. God has big plans!

  28. I've given you the One Lovely Blog award. You were my first ever follower and I wanted to find a way to say "thank you"! Stop by my blog and check out your award :)

    Lauren C

  29. Hi Heather! I've given you the Versatile Blogger and One Lovely Blog Award. Please stop by my blog for your award and info:)

  30. Thank you so much for the freebies! They are AWESOME! You rock and thank you for the FROG reminder :-)

  31. Thanks for the wonderful freebies my little buddies will love it!

  32. I have nominated you with the One Lovely Blog Award and the Versatile Blogger Award! Come pick them up at my page :)

  33. Super cute freebies and another fabulous poem! Thanks for thinking of us!

    ~Heidi V.

    PS I'm trying not to think tooooooo much about my next GROUP. It's hard though! It's a tough balance to make sure you're prepared for next year, while also making sure you get a chance to relax!

  34. Your sweet post just brought tears to my eyes!! You have your "heart" in your teaching! FROG!!!

  35. What a sweet poem! Thanks for sharing! :)


  36. Oh Heather, you just described my class to a T! Each day was another revelation of how different their little lives are from mine. I agree, we need to make sure that we are providing that safe, loving place in our classroom. Thanks for the freebie too - super cute as always!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  37. These are great! Thanks for sharing.

  38. I am sure you have received these before but I have really enjoyed reading your posts so I am nominating you for the One Lovely Blog and Versatile Blogger awards. Come back to my site to pick up your awards!

    Polka Dots and Teaching Tots

  39. Hopefully I don't seem like a creeper- but I listed you for the Versatile Blog Award as well. Thanks for the great inspiration!

  40. Hi Heather! Yesterday, I received the Versatile Blogger award and would like to pass it on to you. Your blog is full of amazing ideas and I look forward to "stalking" it in the future. Happy 4th.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Hi there! I've awarded you the One Lovely Blog award :) Fee free to stop by to pick it up!


    The Quirky Apple

  43. You are an amazing inspiration! I am awstruck at your talent!!

  44. Thank you for the poem & freebie. Your blog is wonderful!


  45. Love, love, love your FROG poster and the song was so sweet. :) You clearly have such a heart for your kiddos. I plan on putting that in my class this year. There were many times i could have used it. :)


  46. I nominated you for a blog award!! Check out my latest blog post to recieve it! :)

    Amanda @ Surviving the First Year

  47. These are great! Thank you for sharing! :)
    Melissa M.

  48. Thank you so much for the F.R.O.G. I do daily and this will help me on those days that I forget I am not the one in charge.
    Think all night…..Teach all day

  49. This is my motto in my classroom too! I always send home a letter on the first day telling the parents that we are going to Fully Rely On God this year. Students are given a frog cut out (large one) to decorate any way they wish for the classroom. Each student includes a picture of his/her family on it too! I can't wait to hang your sign in my classroom!!! thanks so much!!
    Third Grade Love

  50. I love FROG - so great! I want to give you the One Lovely Blog Award! Thanks for inspiring so many!

    Mrs. Slocum
    Teacher's Don't Steal, They Share!

  51. Heather - you always make me feel so happy after I read your blog. What I'm sad about, though, is your blog never shows on my dashboard??!?!?! I have no idea why..I've tried following and unfollowing and you're never there. BOO!!!!!

    Big hugs - and as always, thanks for the freebies!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  52. Hi there! I'm posting something about you at noon today. Check it out! :)

    Heather at TeachItToday

  53. Come check out my blog! I have nominated you for two awards!

  54. Your blog brought tears to my eyes! It really touched me, because I also teach at a school with the same demographics. We might be the only hug they ever get. Bless you! Also, thank you for the freebies. My students will love them :)

  55. Thanks for the super cute games, Heather!

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers

  56. I am so blessed that you invited me to your blog! I will be printing those FROGs out! You are amazing! Thanks :)
    Patterson's Porch

  57. What a great way to remind yourself to F.R.O.G. :) I have a set of frog wind chimes in my room too! They are my check-in chimes that we use during Daily 5.

  58. Congrats Heather! The Goonie Gals have nominated your blog for the Versatile Blogger award.

    Stop by, read our post and grab the award!!!

    Heather, you are a gifted teacher with so much to share!!! Your kiddos are sooo lucky to have you as their teacher. So here's a BIG Goonie Gal Heart for you; you deserve it!!!
    The Kindergarten Goonies XOXO
    PS: Thanks for inspiring us to have Diana give our blog a makeover. She knows you get part of the blame for driving her NUTS!!!(heee-heee) Diana is working on our new blog now; we are sooo excited!!!! LOL

  59. Heather -
    Thanks so very much for the free centers! They are wonderful and will be a perfect addition to my classroom.

    I have a dear friend that was in a car accident when she was a teen and nearly died. She is OBSESSED with anything FROG related...It is what got her through her hard times..learning to walk again.

    She too is a teacher and every time I read your blog I think of her. You both have the same kind spirit!!

  60. Hi Heather!

    I love this post! I worked at a catholic school the last 4 years and one year F.R.O.G. was the theme for the whole school!

    Glad to be your newest follower!

    Lisa from Tales of an Education Major

  61. Thank you for the freebies and sharing your passion for your students. That is wonderful. I know I couldn't teach without God either. He gives us the compassion for our young ones. Thank you for joining my site and your kind words. I am your newest follower.


  62. Hi Heather! Thanks for finding my blog. I'm now your newest follower. Hopefully you can use some of my ideas and I can use some of yours even though our grade levels are so far apart! Cute blog too!

  63. Hello Heather!
    I'm glad you came across my blog, and led me back to yours! Even just after reading a few of your posts, your great love for your students shines through every word you type. I can already tell that your blog posts will be a nice calming presence if my life gets too hectic. Definitely a new follower of your blog! :)

    Maestra Bilingue

  64. Hi Heather!I LOVE this blog and love this post. God is exactly why I am transferring to a new school (as mentioned in my very first blog), I am leaving a school with a ton of parent support and 98% proficiency to go to a school with very little (if any) parent support and only 30% proficiency. Huge leap but God is leading me so I shall follow!;) Thanks for being one of my first blog looks like so much fun!:) --Rachel

  65. Hi Heather,
    I know you're busy, but I was wondering if you would want to donate anything for my 400 followers giveaway I am planning soon?

    Sprinkles to Kindergarten

  66. Hi Heather thanks for stopping by my blog! As you can see I am still learning how to set up my own blog but wanted to thank you so much for helping me out! I had no idea the follow button wasn't on there, thought it would naturally be on the blog. Silly me! Anyway, with my new found knowledge I've changed a few things on the layout and am now following you! Thanks so much! Tamara

  67. Thanks for commenting on my blog so I could find and follow yours.:) I appreciate your encouraging words.
    iTeach 1:1

  68. I've been considering changing our binder name to F.R.O.G because I love the meaning! It is a perfect daily reminder!

    Thank you for sharing your work with us. :-)

  69. Hello Heather,
    Thanks for hopping by my new blog and showing me some blog love. What beautiful words of blessing and encouragement!!! I love how you put GOD first in everything that you do. Continue to sing praises to HIS name. Thanks for the "freebies" too. P.S. I am your newest follower and will check out your TPT store
    Ms Jones Junction

  70. Thanks for hopping over to check out my blog. Because of it, I found yours :) Thanks for the freebies!!


    First Grade Fascination

  71. Thanks for your kind words on my blog yesterday! I am so glad to come and visit yours!


  72. Your blog is so cute! I love the FROG acronym and poem- it's just what I needed! I know how hard it is to leave students at the end of the day when you don't know if they are being cared for. Thank you for visiting me and sharing your blog and freebies! Even though I teach 4th -6th, I know some of my students will be able to use the games!

    Teaching Special Kids

  73. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am your newest follower!
    Heather @

  74. Love the Pete and Chester comparison activity. I FROG daily but absolutely hate frogs. lol Too many traumatic experiences with them but love your stuff. :-)

  75. Thank you so much for following my blog! I am now following you too!
    Mrs. Janelle

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. Thanks for sharing! Love these acitivities

    Mrs. M's Kinders

  79. I really love the beginning of this post. It touched my heart and hit close to home. Thank you for being my newest follower on the blog I just started! It is such a blessing to be able to connect with teachers everywhere. Do you have multiple blogs that you organize? I have been so busy blog stalking the past week that it all seems to run together. You are truly amazing and I will be checking in often:) Thank you!
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  80. Love this post! My heart is just beaming! I have never heard of FROG, but it is definitely a great way to always remember that God is in charge! Thanks for sharing! :)

    Sweet Honey in 2nd

  81. Oh my goodness love all the free stuff!!! Love, love, love the FROG poem. Hopping over to Tpt right now. Thanks soooo much!!

  82. I'm about to start my first year and I'm a little terrified but I will absolutely be remembering FROG!

  83. Thanks for sharing this! F.R.O.G is how I live my life! I couldn't do it without HIM! :)

  84. Thanks for visiting my blog. I love yours! I love this prayer and the poem a few posts down and have downloaded both to share with the teachers at my school. Thanks for sharing!

    Inside this Book

  85. I love F.R.O.G. and thank you so much for following me! Whoo whoo up to 5 now I am so excited!

  86. This is so cute! Thanks for sharing! Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog, too. :)

  87. I am new to your blog and just read this post. You are an inspiration, and I love your frog posters.

    Teaching Fourth

  88. I love this post and especially the part about being called to do our jobs by God. Without God, there is no way I could reach all of my students and help them when I have so many like you described. BTW, I teach in Louisiana very close to Texas so we might be near neighbors!!

    First Grade Circus

  89. Your Frog Poem is so encouraging! Thank you for sharing, Fully Relying on God is something I need to be reminded over and over, even more than once a day! Praise God for his constant presence and provision for us!

  90. Love all of your goodies. Glad I popped by! I see you love DJ Inkers too. Would love to do a "linky party" {is that the right lingo?? I'm still new at this! HA!} with you sometime.
    AnyWHO, love your posts!

  91. Hi Heather! I just found your blog through the Teaching Blog Addict Anniversary post. Thanks for sharing your freebie! I'm the newest follower to your TPT store and your blog.


    First Grade Hugs and High Fives

  92. I just came across this post from the Teaching Blog Addict Anniversary. I just wanted to let you know that this is exactly what I needed to hear. This is now printed and will placed on my desk in my classroom. Thanks so much.

    Saddle Up For 2nd Grade

  93. Heather, I found your sight through Teaching Blog Addict. I really believe teaching is a calling and that you have to have a heart for the children. Thank you for your post of encouragement and for the freebie!
